VIII- hanging out

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait, as I said previously, life has been a bit busy lately with finals coming soon and a shit ton of uni workload :,) But here you go, I hope you enjoy this chapter and find that the wait was worth it! 

Take care <3

Jasper heaved a tired sigh, gaze lingering on the papers laid out on his desk.

He didn't know how long he'd spent cooped up in his office, feverishly rummaging through administrative files in search of any crumb of information about (Y/n). But judging by Robert's worried glances and fidgeting fingers, Jasper must have been in there quite a long while.

It was strange how quickly time seemed to pass when he thought about (Y/n), and it was easy to get lost in his daydreams.

"Sir, are you sure there is nothing I can do to help you? You look rather... bothered." Robert asked anxiously as he waited by the door, unwilling to leave the room and leave his young master alone. In all his years serving under the mayor, Robert had never seen Jasper so frantic before, not about anything.

"I am." Jasper answered and plastered on a polite smile. "I'm just having a hard time with some documents but nothing I can't deal with on my own."

Jasper didn't like lying to people around him, especially Robert who was something akin to a second father to him, but Jasper knew that if he told Robert about (Y/n) his father would be the next person to know. And as much as Jasper ached for his father to know that he had finally found his love, he didn't want Elijah to know about (Y/n) just yet, as he knew that Elijah would want for them to get married right away.

Which wasn't what Jasper had in mind.

His father had always been quick to act and rather impulsive, but Jasper wanted to take things slow. He wanted to court (Y/n) properly, to learn more about what she loved and despised, to take her out on dates and live the sweet romance they depicted in the novels he read. Marriage would come after that, not because Jasper had any doubts that (Y/n) was the one for him, but because he wanted to do things right.

"Okay, then." Robert nodded and bowed, politely exiting the room. "I'll be outside if you need me."

As soon as he was once again alone in his office, Jasper leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms behind his head as he glanced at the opened document in front of him, yet another one he hoped would contain some information about (Y/n).

Jasper didn't know how many documents he had browsed through over the last twenty four hours but from the looks of it his darling probably wasn't a registered citizen. Thankfully for (Y/n) though, Jasper was too busy grasping at any thread that could lead to her to ponder much over the reason behind her administrative inexistence.

For now at least.

Jasper grasped another file, heart weighing down on his chest as he opened it. He would have rather found information about (Y/n) herself but considering this hadn't been the case, Jasper might as well look through potential family members. And this was much easier.

Tobias and Marcus Parker.

The former, Jasper recognised as the one who had been with his darling just the day prior at the US. Probably a brother or cousin of some kind. On the other hand Marcus seemed old enough to be (Y/n)'s grandfather. Both were Protectives, and Jasper wondered if (Y/n) was the same.

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