X- square one

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"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Tobias asked, a concerned look on his face as he gazed at (Y/n) lacing up her shoes. "You were pretty shaken up when-"

"I'm fine." (Y/n) cut him off, putting on a smile that didn't serve to hide the slight tremble in her hands.

Monday had finally rolled around and, as planned, (Y/n) and Tobias were getting ready to go to the Uninfected Shelter again. This time to try and get a hold of the registration documents. Hopefully, Grey's name would be somewhere in there along with the name of whoever had taken her in. And hopefully this would put an end to (Y/n)'s stay in the city.

A shudder of dread rolled down her spine as images of a bloody knife repeatedly sinking into warm flesh flashed through her mind.

Gosh, this would probably haunt her for the rest of her days.

(Y/n) didn't know what scared her more though, the fact someone had been killed right in front of her or the idea that next time, she could very well be the one on the receiving end. For this was how this society worked, no one was safe from the gruesome effects of the infection. The next time someone got harmed, it could be her, and this simply because an Infected had judged her to be a threat to their relationship or one sided obsession.

She had to get out of here before such a thing happened. With Grey. For there was no way in hell (Y/n) was leaving her sister behind in such a dangerous and fucked up environment.

In the meantime, (Y/n) would just have to power through and pretend everything was normal. Pretend that she wasn't shit scared of stepping outside and possibly looking death right in the face again. But hell, did she want to cower away and hide.

Unfortunately for her though, this was not an option.

"Okay." Tobias said with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest, knowing better than to argue with (Y/n). He could feel it though, the fear thrumming through her veins. "If you say so."

(Y/n) stood up with the same fabricated smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, the sight enough for Tobias's chest to cave in with guilt. And the visible dark circles around her eyes only made it worse.

She probably hadn't been sleeping well the past two nights, because of nightmares or simply the memory of what had happened on their last outing keeping her awake. And it was all his fault. He shouldn't have invited her to come with him. Not when he knew the risks.

Tobias wouldn't be this careless again.

The trip to the Uninfected Shelter was silent, none of them uttering a word. Tobias too busy keeping tabs on their surroundings to ensure no other gruesome murder took place in front of (Y/n) to traumatize her further, and (Y/n) too caught up in her own thoughts. She really, really hoped Grey's name would be in these damned files. As if it was not, she dreaded the thought of staying in the city any longer. Because she knew that in spite of her nauseating fear, her loyalty towards her sister would prevail and keep her chained here.

Grey would do the same for me. She reminded herself, and she knew it was true. Grey wouldn't give up until she had found her. Because she loved her. So the least (Y/n) could do was to do the same for her older sister.

"Okay," Tobias said as the two of them stopped in front of the Uninfected Shelter's entrance, "I distract the woman at the reception desk and as soon as she leaves, you search through her desk for what you're looking for."

(Y/n) nodded, exhaling a trembling sigh as she looked towards said woman. She didn't know how Tobias intended on distracting her or driving her away from her spot, but (Y/n) knew she'd have to be quick. The very last thing she needed was to get caught red handed snooping through confidential documents.

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