XVIII- uninfected

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(Y/n) silently took the girl's hand and stood up on shaky legs, her vision blurry from her previous impact with the ground. Only then did (Y/n) take notice of the sticky blood messing with her hair at the back of her head. If she had thought about hiding what had happened from Tobias, now this sure as hell wouldn't be an option.

"Can't believe you did that." The girl said, and (Y/n) wouldn't tell whether she was amazed or baffled. "You actually stabbed him."

(Y/n) shivered at the reminder, clear depictions of her knife sinking into the man's flesh flashing through her mind. Bile rose up in the back of her throat but she swallowed her disgust back.

"A simple 'thank you' would be great, you know?" (Y/n) said, bringing her fingers to her temples, massaging the pain away with circular motions. For real though, (Y/n) had helped save this girl's life at the risk of losing her own. Words of gratitude wouldn't be too much to ask.

The dark skinned girl bit down on her lower lip, shame flashing through her gaze. She averted her eyes to the side with a sigh and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I guess you're right. Thanks for your help." She said, the hints of a smile curling her lips as she held her hand out for (Y/n) yet again. "I didn't think anyone would-"

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice cut the girl off along with hurried footsteps that revealed a very distraught Tobias, his green eyes narrowed with a mix of concern and anger as they landed on (Y/n). "What the hell are you doing outside at this hour?! Do you have any idea-"

How worried I was?

Tobias couldn't finish his sentence aloud, the words stuck in his throat. Worry wasn't the right word to describe what he'd felt when he woke up to a terrible ball of dread weighing heavy at the pit of his stomach. No words could describe how he'd felt when his mind had immediately and instinctively wandered over to (Y/n), when he had rushed to her room only to find no traces of her. For a moment, Tobias swore his heart had given out in his chest.

He closed the distance between himself and (Y/n) with long strides, holding her by the shoulders as he scanned her form for any signs of injuries. He was sure something was wrong, sure she was hurt somewhere. He didn't really know how, but there was this tug at his center that told him all he needed to know.

The same tug that had woken him up in the middle of the night with the horrifying feeling that somehow (Y/n) was in trouble, the very same tug that had driven him here in this dark alleyway.

Tobias turned (Y/n) around, uncaring for her words of protest, his eyes finally landing on a bloody spot at the back of her head. His insides lurched at the sight, concern and anger meshing together in his stomach. His eyes flicked over to the man sprawled out on the ground, the knife he had offered to (Y/n) discarded a few feet away.

Tobias had no idea what had just happened. But the idea of this man, of someone, hurting (Y/n)... had his blood boiling in his veins and red tainting his vision.

"Tobias, it's fine really-"

(Y/n) didn't get to finish her sentence, Tobias's hold on her tightening as he turned to face the other girl. And (Y/n) had never been really scared of Tobias before, but in this moment as she looked at his expression, cold fear pricked at her skin. Not for herself, but for the dark haired girl she had just helped.

A muscle ticked in Tobias's jaw, green eyes dark with distrust as he assessed the girl standing in front of them to see whether she was fiend or friend.

The girl took a step back, a deep frown etched between her brows.

"Who are you?" Tobias asked, but really it was more of an order than a real question.

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