XVII- a brush with death

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(Y/n) couldn't sleep that night. The same encounter keeping her mind wide awake, the same face haunting her every thought.

Jasper. The name of the guy she had met earlier during the day at the market. A name that somehow had her heart quivering in her chest. And not in a good way.

It wasn't like much had happened between the two of them. He had merely helped her out and saved her from falling to the ground. In other words, he had been pretty kind and (Y/n) should have felt nothing but grateful. But something about this encounter just didn't feel right. And not knowing exactly what it was drove (Y/n) absolutely nuts with anxiety.

Jasper didn't look like a bad guy either. In fact he seemed rather nice and a bit socially awkward. He looked pretty attractive too, with soft wavy blond locks, pale freckled cheeks and baby blue eyes. Under any other circumstances (Y/n) would have probably fawned over his good looks.

But appearances mattered little in an Infected society where everyone was bound to be a potential murderer. Jasper was no different. And something told (Y/n) he was far from a saint.

She didn't even know where this instinctive deduction came from. Maybe it was because Jasper was an Infected, and as for every other Infected, (Y/n) was bound to see him as a killer. Maybe it was because they had met twice already and he had looked a bit too eager to help her out, whether it was by saving her from falling or holding her bags for her. Maybe it was because he had looked a bit too excited to introduce himself to her and get her name in exchange.

Not that Jasper these formalities had been necessary for Jasper. He already knew (Y/n)'s name, along with some much more invasive information about her.

Not that (Y/n) was aware of it though.

I'm fine. I didn't give him my name and I cut our interaction short. It should be okay. (Y/n) tried to reassure herself, anxiously nibbling at her fingernails. But no matter how much effort she put into soothing her anxiety, nothing would chase the thoughts away.

She held her breath, listening for Marcus's quiet snores that came from his room across the hall. Both Marcus and Tobias had gone to sleep a good two hours ago, leaving (Y/n) alone with her mind and the deafening silence of her room, with no one but the moon to confide in.

(Y/n) heaved a sigh, turning on her side and hugging the cover up to her chest.

Maybe she should have told Tobias about her encounter with Jasper. Maybe he would have had the words to reassure her, or maybe he would have freaked out and berated her for interacting with an Infected that wasn't him. Probably the latter.

(Y/n) could already hear him in her head, calling her an idiot and reminding her all over again of how naive she was. And he wasn't entirely wrong, (Y/n) was quite naive in spite of the many horror stories she had heard about the Infected in her childhood. She wouldn't have chosen to stay in the city otherwise, if she hadn't been naive enough to think that she could make it.

But then again, Marcus, an Uninfected, had made it. So why not her? Was she really as naive as Tobias thought her to be, or was she just a bit too hopeful? A bit too thirsty for the many advantages the city granted her, namely a chance at finding her sister and a taste of freedom which was something she hadn't ever been granted at home?

So yeah, (Y/n) had thought about telling Tobias about her encounter with Jasper, as soon as she had crossed the front door and met his gaze. As soon as he had asked her if anything had happened on her way to the market. But she hadn't been able to. Because she knew how he would have reacted, after all, he had already warned her about Jasper and virtually any other Infected.

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