XIV- greedy

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Hey guys! So this chapter is shorter than the other ones and mostly a fill in until things pick up. Almost all the main characters have been introduced now and we're mostly done with the lore explanations and worldbuilding. I hope everything until now is clear! But in case you have questions relating to the lore or how the Infection/Infected society work, don't hesitate to ask in the comments and I'll be more than happy to answer! 

Thank you again for reading and for all your sweet, supportive messages <3 It really means the world. 

Penelope could be called many things. Beautiful? For sure. Smart? No one would argue otherwise. Spoiled? Some would say. But one thing she was definitely not, was an idiot. And it would take one hell of an idiot not to notice the changes in Jasper's behavior.

Even more so considering Jasper was her best friend and the object of her affection, a person she knew from the inside out.

Penelope heaved an irritated sigh, a pretty pout on her rosy lips as she sat in front of her vanity with her cat on her laps. She needed to know what was going on. Never before had Jasper acted so... out of character. And so disinterested with her.

For starters, Jasper had never been one to go out much, always cooped up in his office working on some administrative papers or some other issues. Hell, more often than not Penelope had to drag him away from his work and out of his office if she wanted to have some quality time with him. Quality time that didn't include him overworking himself and her idly standing by and munching on cookies brought by Robert.

But over the last week not only had Jasper not been working as much but he had also been seen roaming out and about, looking like a lost puppy searching for their master.

Jasper's health had also taken a significant toll, as would attest the growing bags under his eyes. His already pale complexion had also grown that much paler, and his already lean frame had grown even leaner. All signs of a serious case of sleep deprivation and him skipping meals.

All signs that something was definitely wrong with her darling. And Penelope wouldn't go down without a fight, she was determined to find out just what had her precious Jasper acting so out of character.

Of course, part of Penelope wished Jasper would come to her himself and confide in her as he so often did when they were children. But lately it seemed as if she was the very last thing on his mind, which both had her concerned and furious.

She was used to being the center of attention. As her father's only daughter she was used to him dotting on her and having eyes for her only, she was used to people around her praising her for her looks and pretty face as well as her ambitious law studies. As Jasper's only friend, she was used to him confiding in her and being the center of his world. But yesterday when she had seen him at the market -which had already been strange enough considering he never ever stepped foot there usually- he had barely looked at her before running in the opposite direction!

Hell, her father hadn't been paying much attention to her either lately, much too preoccupied with his work as head of the military. In fact, the only person who had been giving her any attention lately was the Sadistic who had been trying to woo her for weeks now.

Penelope's pink eyes flitted over to the envelope resting on her bed, she had yet to open it and read its content, but she didn't need to in order to know what it contained. Probably the same old weird-ass fantasies Artty always sent her.

Disgust written plainly on her features, she rolled her eyes and turned back to the purring cat on her laps.

She needed to find a way to get rid of this guy. He was a pest more than anything else in her eyes, and yet another thing keeping her from her precious Jasper. The dude needed to understand that he didn't stand a chance in Penelope's heart. Not only was he a Sadistic, but she already had her eyes on Jasper. And there was no way she'd ever settle for anyone else.

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