VI- uninfected shelter

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"Here we are, the US." Tobias said with a seemingly annoyed sigh, crossing his arms over his chest as he and (Y/n) stood a few feet away from a towering metallic gate leading to a sort of giant psychiatric hospital. Well, not like (Y/n) had ever seen one, but she had definitely read about those and that is exactly how she used to picture them in her head.

Secluded from the rest of the world, melancholic and frankly... Not the happiest of places. A big two winged building made of cream coloured bricks with bosnian architecture that looked honestly sad against the gray sky, a vast garden with trees swaying in the wind and patches of fresh grass to sit on, a few lonely benches... And no people in sight.

If there ever was a place to be lonely as heck, this would be it.

(Y/n) didn't know what she had been expecting when she had heard of the Uninfected "shelter", but she certainly hadn't pictured this. Whether it was better or worse... That remained to be seen. Though, she didn't think anything about an Uninfected camp could be good, as no matter how Infected people called this, for people like her this looked every part like a prison.

"Not how you imagined it?" Tobias cut through (Y/n)'s thoughts, brows furrowed in a light frown. "If you must know, it's even scarier from the inside."

Fuck, he really didn't need to say that aloud. Then again, Tobias had every intention of making her leave the city and go back to the Uninfected Community, so him trying to scare her off wasn't all that surprising. And it probably wouldn't have had that much of an effect on (Y/n) if part of his statement hadn't been true.

She exhaled a shiver of apprehension, tucking her hands deeper in the comfort of her jacket's pockets.

Now that she was here there was no going back though. For if she was scared, (Y/n) couldn't even imagine how Grey must be feeling stuck inside of this nightmare.

"Thanks for the heads up." (Y/n) turned to Tobias with a sarcastic smile, hoping he'd get the hint that his intimidations really weren't necessary. She was already all too aware of the dangers surrounding her.

Tobias stared at her silently, an indescribable emotion brewing in his gaze, before finally heaving yet another sigh and turning towards the gates.

"Do you have your ID? If you don't-"

"I know. If I don't they'll probably shove me in there and then it'll be game over." (Y/n) answered with a nervous smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She wished she could put on a strong facade to show Tobias that she was strong and unshakable in her resolve, but alas bravery had never been one of her strong traits.

It had always been Grey's.

"I have it, no worries." She finally said, shifting her gaze away from his and towards the small booth near the gates where a guard eyed her suspiciously.

Tobias observed (Y/n), features softening ever so slightly. There was something both foolish and endearing about the determination in her gaze, and Tobias had to admit that part of him admired (Y/n) for her stubborn-... for her strong will. Still, (Y/n) could try all she wanted to look tough, there was no hiding the way her knuckles turned white from the tight fists she formed with her hands.

Hell, Tobias could almost feel the needling pain of her nails digging into the tender skin of her palms.

She was scared, and had every reason to be. Tobias might have taken advantage of this to try and make her give up on her self destructive mission. But even though (Y/n) was nearly trembling with nerves, he knew there was no shaking her resolve.

The best thing he could do was to encourage her, as best he could.

"It'll be fine, okay?" He said, trying hard to put on a reassuring smile as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Guilt pricked at his chest as she flinched under his touch.

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