XV- innocent

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, this took me forever to update :,) Life has been wild lately with some ups and downs. So thank you so so much for your patience and for sticking around in spite of this short unprompted break <3 That said, I hope you enjoy this chapter that is a bit longer than usual! 

Tobias anxiously exhaled as he stood a few feet away from (Y/n), silently observing her as she hung the laundry on the clothesline outside the house. He didn't know how long he'd been standing there, working up the courage to approach her and mend whatever relationship they had had before their last interaction.

It had been a few days now, and honestly Tobias couldn't take anymore of the uncomfortable and deafening silence that none of them knew how to break. Of course they had never been best buddies or anything close to that, but still, something about their current situation bothered Tobias greatly.

He missed his brief conversations with (Y/n), he missed... Gosh he didn't know exactly what it was he missed but one thing was for sure, he had to put an end to this situation.

"See how easy it was for me to overpower you?" He said in a steady voice, holding her gaze. "Anyone else could have done this without as much as batting an eyelash. That is just how weak you are compared to most Infected."

Then again, Tobias knew he didn't have anyone other than himself to blame for that. He'd be damn lucky if (Y/n)'s current silence around him was only out of discomfort and not out of fear of him. Even if his intentions had been in her best interest, he shouldn't have taken advantage of his strength with her.

It's for the best. It's in her best interest to fear me. Part of him thought, still another bigger part of him couldn't bear the idea of (Y/n) ever fearing him.

"You know I can feel you staring, right?" (Y/n)'s voice sliced through his quiet considerations, sounding more irritated than timid.

Tobias stepped out of the darkness, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Gosh this was off to a good start. And although he had no idea what to say, there was no turning back now.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said quietly, keeping his head down. He didn't dare meet her gaze in fear of what he'd see there. Fear, discomfort, annoyance, hatred. Tobias could only imagine all the negative emotions (Y/n) was bound to feel towards him after what he had done.

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