XX- at arm's length

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It had been a few days since (Y/n) had helped Lupita, and although the two of them hadn't been able to talk much at the time, Lupita had still gone out of her way to ask (Y/n) out for drinks so the two of them could continue their discussion. And saying (Y/n) was excited at the perspective of seeing Lupita again would be an understatement.

Not only was Lupita Uninfected just like her, but she was also a potential friend and one hell of a baddie. She reminded (Y/n) of Grey in a way, unbothered by others' opinion of her and kind of a hurricane. Maybe that is why (Y/n) admired Lupita so much in spite of not knowing her for more than a few days, other than the fact Lupita was also undeniably gorgeous.

"You're going?" Tobias called from behind her. (Y/n) hadn't heard him coming, but the moment she turned around to face him he had already made himself at home by leaning against her bedroom's door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

Their eyes met but (Y/n) quickly averted her gaze.

Ever since that night Tobias had been acting weird towards her, playing the hot and cold card. (Y/n) never knew when he'd be ignoring her or willing to talk to her like nothing was wrong on his side. She had no idea what was going on in his head and wouldn't force him to talk about it if he didn't want to, but this situation was growing more and more confusing for her.

"Do you still have the map I drew for you?" Tobias continued to ask. Apparently this was one of his good moments.

"I do. Thanks." (Y/n) shot him a smile before turning back to her reflection in the mirror. She hadn't packed anything fancy when she had left the Uninfected Community, and hadn't done much shopping for herself either since coming to the city. Until now, she had mostly been relying on her meager pile of clothes and some she had borrowed from Tobias.

She feared she'd make a fool of herself next to Lupita, who looked so confident without even trying and with a style of her own.

"I really need to find a job." (Y/n) said, more so to her reflection than Tobias.

Still, he heard.

"Why?" Tobias asked maybe a bit more aggressively than he had meant to. His features tensed and a muscle ticked in his jaw. At the thought of danger this would put (Y/n) in. "You do know that would be incredibly risky, don't you?"

"I know. But I can't keep on feeding off of you guys' earnings." (Y/n) explained with a sigh. "I need to be financially independent if I want to make it by myself. I feel like a leech for living under your roof and eating your food, but not doing anything in exchange."

And I want to be able to do what I want, with my money.

So far (Y/n) hadn't been able to do much for herself considering she had been relying on Tobias and Marcus for most things. Earning some money of her own would grant her even more freedom than she already had in the city. There were so many things to do and see, and she wanted to take full advantage of her stay here. She wanted to go out with Lupita for drinks and be able to pay, she wanted to buy some new clothes so that she wouldn't be relying on Tobias's or her three spare tees. She wanted to experience life without any restraints.

Maybe she'd ask Lupita for some advice tonight, surely she would know about having a job in the city as an undercover Uninfected. She would have asked Tobias, but judging by his facial expression he wasn't too fond of the idea.

"You're not a leech." Tobias closed the distance between the two of them to stand behind (Y/n), a frown etched between his brows. "You're helping around the house, doing most chores... Finding a job as an Uninfected is dangerous. You shouldn't risk it."

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