XII- independence

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Over the last week (Y/n) had been getting more accustomed to life in the city with Marcus and Tobias. Her life had mostly consisted of helping Marcus out around the house and with daily errands like grocery shopping, in exchange Marcus had also been showing her around the city and teaching her more about how the Infected society worked. This should have been Tobias's job but alas he had been avoiding (Y/n) like the plague and hadn't spoken a word in her direction since she had announced her decisions of staying in the city. The most interaction the two of them had had since then was a brief eye contact followed by Tobias pressing his lips in a thin line.

Gosh he really hates me now. (Y/n) thought as Tobias walked out the front door this morning, on his way to work. She had never asked Tobias what exactly he worked in, but Marcus had been kind enough to tell her that he had a job as a carpenter. He also made some extra money by making fake IDs.

It only then occurred to (Y/n) that, because of her, Tobias might have missed some work days due to him accompanying her to the Uninfected Shelter and spending time with her. A thought that both needled her with guilt and soothed her with warmth.

Tobias had had no obligation in doing this for her, in fact he had had no obligation in saving her the very first time they met either. Still, he had done it without asking questions or expecting anything from her.

He was truly a kind hearted person, so much so that sometimes it was hard for (Y/n) to remember that Tobias was still an Infected. A potential threat for her.

But even with Tobias's obvious displeasure with her, (Y/n)'s thoughts had been focused on other things, namely discovering more about the city and her newfound freedom, and finding Grey. Her wavering hopes having been revived by a conversation she had had with Marcus on that fateful morning after she had announced her decision.

"The Uninfected Shelter might not be your only chance at finding your sister though." Marcus said, "It was your best luck at finding her, true, considering taking an Uninfected in without going through the Uninfected Shelter first is illegal. But your sister wasn't a registered citizen, so things may be different. Someone might have taken her in right away."

(Y/n) listened intently as Marcus continued.

"Recently a new law was passed concerning 'Uninfected health and wellbeing'. Infected people with an Uninfected darling have to allow them outside at least once a month to keep them sane and healthy." Marcus chuckled humorously, "This society's gone nuts. But this might be your chance at finding your sister."

(Y/n) nodded, processing this new information.

"I guess so. But as you said, since Grey wasn't a registered citizen, authorities probably don't even know about her existence. Meaning that laws don't apply to her or her captor. Am I right?"

"Indeed." Marcus said with a compassionate smile, "But this is still a possibility. And still a potential chance for you to find her."

So this is exactly what (Y/n) had been doing during her outing with Marcus, keeping an eye out for Grey. Today was different though, as it was the first time she'd be venturing in the city without either Marcus or Tobias to guide her.

"Are you sure you'll be fine, dear?" Marcus asked, guilt clear in his wrinkled eyes as he looked at her from his armchair.

(Y/n) flashed him a smile, putting on her jacket and taking the shopping trolley. Marcus's left hip had been hurting since this morning and he had barely been able to walk around the house. Letting him go grocery shopping was out of the question, thus (Y/n) had offered to go alone since Tobias had already left for work.

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