VII- partner in crime

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"We're here, sir." The driver said, stopping the car in front of the Uninfected Shelter's gates. "Do you want me to wait for you?"

The young man on the backseat heaved a tired sigh and ran a hand through blond wavy locks, blue eyes staring at the wide gates through the window. As if these weekly trips weren't depressing enough already, the sky was frowning a dark shade of gray and the clouds were puffy with unshed rain.

"Master Jasper?" The driver called again, waiting for the young man's answer.

Jasper turned his head to the older man, putting on a polite smile, "I'd appreciate that. Thank you, Robert."

With that, he opened the door and stepped out of the car, adjusting his black suit jacket and silently walking towards the guard in the booth by the gate. Not like this was of much use, Jasper was used to this drill already, and in fact the man didn't even bother to check his ID. He didn't need to, Jasper was a regular here, and even without this, everyone knew who he was.

The mayor's son. The Broken Obsessive.

There wasn't a single corner in this city where Jasper wasn't renowned, either due to his father's role in the city or because of his own reputation.

"Do you think his Infection has finally kicked in?" A young maid in his father's mansion whispered to another older maid.

"No, he's still as disinterested as can be."

"Our poor master... Do you think he's even Infected?" The young maid gasped and raised a hand to her mouth.

"Yes, he's been tested thrice. There's no mistaking it. Our master is just... a late bloomer."

A late bloomer. That was one way to put it, and admittedly not the worst thing Jasper had heard about his 'condition'. Most people saw him as a lost cause, an Infected with defects who would probably never find love. A disinterested and unfeeling obsessive. An anomaly.

And they were partly right, in their assumption that Jasper was more disinterested than most. Apart from his work and duty by his father's side, not many things interested him.

Where the rumors were wrong was in assuming Jasper was cold and unfeeling. Yes, he was less expressive than most people, less emotional and more level headed. Yes he had never shown any romantic interest whatsoever and had never shown excessive amounts of love for people around him, which was admittedly pretty unusual for an Obsessive.

But Jasper felt things too, as much if not more than others. And he dreamed too. Not only of a successful career in politics or of inheriting his father's place, but also of one day finding his one true love. His soulmate. The person who would forever change him for the best and would turn his world upside down.

But in his twenty three years of life, Jasper had never come close to meeting his darling, hence why people thought of him as a broken Infected. Obsessives tended to find their darling fairly early, his father had met his mother at the young age of sixteen.

Yet here Jasper was, twenty three and still completely loveless. And part of him was starting to lose hope, the rumors about him only enhancing his own worries.

What if these people were right? What if Jasper was truly broken? In spite of his dreams and hopes of one day finding his soulmate? What if he was really meant to stay alone for the rest of his life? What if there was truly something wrong with him?

The answers to these questions terrified him.

So there Jasper was, stuck with weekly if not daily visits at the Uninfected Shelter in the hopes of finally finding his darling. Of proving to both himself and others that he wasn't broken. That he too, could find love.

DARLING (yandere boys x reader)Where stories live. Discover now