IX- drinks

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Back in the Uninfected Community, (Y/n) had never cared much for nights out or going out for drinks, not that her mother would have allowed her to go out past sunset anyways. Grey often went out to the Community's one and only bar though. Sometimes alone and sometimes with friends (Y/n) had never met. Grey was never one to share much information when it came to her private life.

On the other hand, (Y/n) didn't have anything to share, for Grey had always been her only friend.

One night Grey had come back home drunk. She had clumsily climbed in their shared bedroom through the window and had tipsily fallen on her bed, still wearing her boots and clothes. She had spilt red wine on her white dress, and (Y/n) had mistaken it for blood and proceeded to shake her awake in fear Grey would die from blood loss.

(Y/n) had been thirteen at the time, and for the first time she had been terrified of losing her sister.

"Peanut, it's just wine." Grey said drowsily, her breath smelling of alcohol and sweet grapes. "I'm fine, 'kay? Go back to bed."

"Wine?" Little (Y/n) tilted her head to the side, she had heard about wine before but had never had a taste. "Did you go out for drinks?"

"Yep." Grey said with a lazy smile, ruffling a hand through (Y/n)'s hair. "I'll take you with me one day so that you can try it. But you're too young for now."

Now looking back on it, Grey had never taken (Y/n) with her, not even when she had finally reached her eighteenth birthday. Not like their mother would have allowed it anyways. This kind of freedom had always been for Grey only.

"You're not missing out on much, (Y/n). A hangover is nothing to look forward to." Her mother said as young (Y/n) sat at the kitchen table with an angry pout on her lips.

"It's not like I want to drink myself to death. I just want to try." (Y/n) argued, knowing very well there was no point in defying her mother. "Why can Grey do it and I can't!"

Amelia had paused, staring at the sink to avoid looking at her young daughter, before answering with something that would stay in (Y/n)'s mind forever.

"It's not a matter of why you can't do it, (Y/n), but a matter of who you are allowed to do it with."

Amelia had said it with such authority that (Y/n) had never dared question her mother's words. She didn't know why Amelia was so adamant on putting distance between her and Grey, but she hated it. She hated how Amelia treated Grey like she was a bad influence. Yes, Grey tended to be reckless and she wore her spontaneity like one would wear perfume. But Grey would never put (Y/n)'s safety at risk or do anything that could cause her harm.

(Y/n) knew that much.

(Y/n) had never been good at making friends though, and Grey had been her only confidant all her life. That said, going out for drinks or anything else with someone that wasn't her sister was out of the question. So (Y/n) had just given up on the idea.

Until this day.

Now, there was nothing to keep her from having a taste of the sweet freedom she had so long ached for. And (Y/n) felt a bit guilty to think that maybe coming to the city had its highlights. It granted her the possibility to try things her mother hadn't let her, and gave her the opportunity to discover the world beyond the Uninfected Community. It was rather ironic, but (Y/n) realized that she had never been as free as she currently was, in the Infected city where she risked being thrown into captivity at the slightest mishap.

Maybe this is why she accepted Tobias's invitation in the first place. For in this moment, the evening air tasted oddly sweet on her tongue, like the freedom she never had back home. Even if the person who was with her was an Infected and the bar they were going to was in the middle of the Infected city.

DARLING (yandere boys x reader)Where stories live. Discover now