XIII- watch out

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Jasper didn't think he could possibly be any happier.

Well, this was partly a lie, as one thing indeed beat watching and following (Y/n) around, and this was interacting with her. But it had been a week since Jasper had started following her around and memorizing her routine, and he still hadn't found it in himself to approach her and manage a proper conversation.

But could anyone blame him?

Jasper had never been one for small talk or socializing. He had understood very quickly that most people didn't want anything to do with him if it wasn't work related. Most people either frowned upon him and silently mocked him behind his back for his lack of Obsessive symptoms, or feared him because of his position as his father's successor and the potential power he held. Without even mentioning the suspicions some people had when it came to his role in the mysterious disappearances or deaths of some undesirable political figures. For this though, Jasper couldn't really blame them, as he was indeed the perpetrator of these.

Still, as far as he could remember, Jasper had only ever had one close friend, Penelope. She was the only one who had stuck close to him through thick and thin, the only one who hadn't turned her back on him when rumors had started spreading about him being Uninfected or a deficient Obsessive.

And before his darling, Jasper had been perfectly content with just Penelope, so he had never tried his hand at socializing or making friends. Not only this, but his sweet (Y/n) was so beautiful and so utterly perfect, Jasper was terrified of making a fool of himself once in front of her.

Even now as she did nothing but grocery shop for her grandfather, Jasper could barely contain the adoration swelling in his chest as he observed her from afar.

A tired yawn slipped from his throat, a tell tale sign of the many hours of sleep he had missed since the start of his infatuation. And Jasper knew he probably looked like a mess, the dark bags under his eyes growing bigger by the days. But if it was to watch his darling? Jasper was more than happy to skip on some needed rest. He still needed to work after all, and considering he spent the better half of his day watching (Y/n) go through her daily routine, he had to catch up on his work late at night.

Something that hadn't gone unnoticed by his father, Robert and Penelope. But alas Jasper was way too happy with stalking (Y/n) and admiring her from afar to care much about the concern he elicited in those closest to him.

Still, Jasper knew that at some point he'd have to tell his father about (Y/n), but not before he gathered the courage to approach his darling first. Something Jasper intended on doing soon enough.

As soon as he had gathered the courage to do so, that is.

Meanwhile, a few feet away from Jasper, (Y/n) remained blissfully unaware of her own predicament.

She smiled at the fruits and vegetables vendor as he handed her a bag full of apples she had bought specifically for Tobias. Marcus did say that Tobias loved them and (Y/n) had caught him snacking on them from time to time. She knew this probably wouldn't be enough to get herself on his good side again, but she hoped this would at least serve to make him resent her less.

She turned away from the stall to carry on with the next ingredients on the grocery list Marcus had scribbled down, unable to suppress a smile.

So far, things had gone pretty smoothly and (Y/n) was proud to say that she had navigated her way through the city without a hitch. She had even managed to smile at the guard standing in front of the covered market's entrance and hand over her ID without showing how scared she was of him finding out it was a fake.

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