Chapter 18: Beside the Dying Fire

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Rick, Carl, Xander and Rhea were walking slowly back towards the house with only the sound of crickets chirping around them

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Rick, Carl, Xander and Rhea were walking slowly back towards the house with only the sound of crickets chirping around them.

Xander noticed how quiet his father was and he could understand why. He hated Shane, but he was still his father's best friend.

"You two bit too?" Carl asked looking up to his father and best friend a bit hesitant.


"Nope." Rhea shook her head.

"Shane was." Xander muttered.

Rhea pushed her lips together in a thin line, her brain was filled with thoughts of why would Shane turn when he wasn't bit. Rhea hit him in the chest and they didn't come along any walkers.

Rick shook his head and look to his left towards his oldest son "That wasn't Shane. You know that."

"Used to be." Carl said and looked over to his father and best friend "What happened? You guys attacked? I mean... I... we heard a gunshot, but we didn't see any walkers nearby."

"How did Shane die?" Xander asked moving his eyes from Rhea to Rick.

Rick stopped walking and turned towards his sons. He looked towards Rhea, who nodded at him. Carl and Xander needed to know what really happened. Rick was about to say something, but the sound of snarls beat him to it. They looked up confused, until Rhea turned to the side and saw a a horde coming after them.

Her eyes grew wide as she watched the dead coming closer and closer to them. The grow and hungry snarls were getting closer. Rhea felt her cuff slide down her hand, snapping to her staff. She wasn't risking any arrows or bullets now.

"Rick." She wispered to him.

He looked at the Dixon girl, who was pointing her staff towards the walkers. He followed where she was pointing and his eyes grew wide with fear.

"Oh god. Go. Go. Go. Go!" Rick whispered putting his arms behind both his boys.

Xander grabbed Rhea's hand and the four of them ran as fast as they could. They hid behind a tree and watched as the walkers were gaining.

"We... we gotta get to the house. Tell the others." Carl told them nervously and with fear in his voice.

"We'll never get through and can't go around. Boys... Rhea stay close. Go!?" Rick said and they took of in a run.

The walkers smelled the new meat and turned reaching out for them, but they were fast enough. Rhea was the first to get to the barn and open the front door and letting the others in.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

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