Chapter 59: First time again

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"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world

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"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. That simple." Rick spoke loudly, as he stood on top of one of the trucks, while looking at the group down bellow "This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red, staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike-"

"You see that?" Sasha called out.

Xander looked ahead and saw one of the trucks falling down, giving an opening for the walkers.

"It's open! We gotta do this now! We're doing this now! Tobin's group, get moving, go!" Rick urged them all.

"No, Rick, we're not ready." Carter told him.

"Sasha! Abraham!" Rick called for them completely ignoring the cowering man.

"Damn straight, we'll do it live." Abraham replied.

"You meet Daryl at red. Let him take them through the gauntlet." Rick told them.

"Yeah, we meet at red." Sasha nodded.

"Go!" Rick shouted and she heads inside the car with Abraham.

"Rick, we'll hit the tractor place." Glenn told his leader, as he pointed towards Xander.

"Okay, who else?"

"We gotta take them out or they'll distract the horde." Xander said as he looked at Glenn and Heath.

"I'm here, let me help." Nicholas said as he walked over them.

"No." Glenn said.

"I'm here!" Nickolas yelled as he looked right into Glenn and Xander's eyes.

"Do everything we say." Xander said as he looked him right into the eyes.

"I will." Nickolas told the boy.

Xander nodded "Don't just stand there! Let's go!" He pushed Nicholas ahead, forcing his feet to move.

Heath eventually followed them to the car.

Heath eventually followed them to the car

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