"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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Eugene hadn't woken up, since Abraham hit him. And Abraham hadn't budged and remained on his knees, looking ahead towards the road.
Abraham's attitude got the best of himself and all his plans for Eugene just got dicked.
As for Eugene, well he was lying to protect himself. People died trying to get him here.
Rhea felt bad for Abraham and Rosita, since those were the people Eugene lied to the longest.
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Currently, they were stopped in the middle of the road and had noticed that none of the walkers had even noticed they were there.
That's how silent they were.
Glenn, Rhea and Xander walked towards Tara, who was organizing the water bottles.
"They got no clue we're here." Glenn said, mentioning the walkers.
"That's great news for GRREXATM" Tara informed them "In less great news for GRREXATAM, we just scraped the bottom of the water barrel."
The three exchange a confused look with one another. "What is - what's GRREXATM?" Glenn asked her.
Xander looked over and saw that Tara organized the bottles with each of the letters of 'GRREXATM' written on each water bottles.
"Us. Group name. Solidarity. Band of brothers. GRREXATM." She told them and Rhea nodded.
"Glenn, Rosita, Rhea, Eugene, Xander, Abraham, Tara and Maggie. GRREXATM. Smart." She smiled.
"Thinking about getting a tattoo on my knuckles." Tara handded them each a bottle with their letters on them "Sorry, I'm just trying to think of something else, you know?"
Rhea and Xander understood what she's doing. Tara's trying to be positive over this fact that their world was crashing and burning. Glenn seemed to understand, too.
Rosita and Maggie approach the four of them. "Any news?" Xander asked Maggie.