Chapter Two

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Both of the boys were sitting in an extremely uncomfortable silence, the radio faintly playing in the background. The whole car reeked in an unnecessarily weird tension, the air was so thick, it almost physically hurt.

Hanbin mainly focused on the road, occasionally looking at the other, feeling the effects of the strange atmosphere as well. He quickly fiddled through his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and rolled down the window. He trapped one cigarette between his lips and lit it, instantly inhaling the smoke.

Hao was taken aback by the fact that the other smoked, but decided not to say anything since it was none of his buissiness.

"So your name is Zhanghao, correct?" Hanbin suddenly spoke up, deciding it was finally time to cut the awkward silence and try to make some conversations with the older in the mean time.

"Uhm, yeah, Zhanghao." He repeated.

"Okay." The boy whispered to himself, taking another drag of his cigarette. "I'm Hanbin."

"I know."

"You know? From where?" He popped a brow, curiosity getting the best of him.

"I used to mess around with your captain, remember?" Hao lowly said, feeling slightly ashamed.

And that was actually true, this was the only reason he even knew of Hanbin and he was actually pretty popular amongst the high school girls, cause he was good looking or whatever. Which Zhanghao couldn't even deny either, he was indeed a really good looking individual.

"Oh yeah, right." He lightheartedly chuckled. "You know he's an asshole."


"He used to show us pictures," Hanbin put out the cigarette in the little ashtray that he had in his car and wandered off, focusing on the road, "of you."

"Oh." Hao's heart immediately sank. He knew exactly what type of pictures he was talking about.

"Every time before practice. Your private pictures that were only meant for him and him only. Everyone would laugh and make disgusting remarks about you, about your body. And not even once Yuta defended you." The Korean male softly spoke, "Don't really know how aware you are of the fact, but he also had pictures of, you know, you and him getting intimate. Not only your nudes."


"Yup, I told you he's an asshole."

"Fuck..." Hao's mind went completely blank, he literally had no words. He felt so used and disgusting, he wanted to jump out of the moving car right in that moment. Maybe that was exactly what Hyunjin meant when saying that Yuta used him for his body only.

"Your face wasn't showing in it, though. It's not like it's any better, but you know. It was only your back when he was—"

"Doggy styling me? Yeah, right."

Even though, him and Yuta weren't in a strict relationship or anything like that, they still had been hooking up for almost 2 months, before they decided to part ways. You would think that in those 2 months there would be at least some kind of built up trust, but in this case, there was absolutely none. And not only that, but he also was showing Hao off like a little toy to his teammates. Now all of the soccer team had seen his nude body. Fucking great.

Right in that moment, Zhanghao felt so naked, despite having clothes on, in front of Hanbin, having all of his business out on the table just like that.

"What a fucking motherfucker." Hao mumbled, still not being able to process the new information thrown at him so suddenly.

"I didn't even know who you were back then, so the fact that I knew how you looked naked, but didn't even have a clue how your voice sounded is so... So fucking upsetting." Hanbin bitterly said. "You're not with him anymore, are you?"

"Fuck no. I don't even want to associate with that bitchface ever again. I thought we were cool all this time, but, I guess, you just changed my mind." The Chinese male was pissed. "We were never in a relationship to begin with."

"Oh, you weren't?"

"It's not like that..." Hao said already knowing what Hanbin was thinking. But the fact that it was exactly what he was thinking about, was even worse. Just a cheap little whore.

"I didn't say anything, though." He defended himself.

"I guess you didn't. Everyone just knows I'm easy, that's why they go for me."

"I don't think you're easy. In this university full of assholes and horny students, everyone just fucks you over."

"Yeah and I let them." Hao deeply sighted and the car fell silent again.

"Is this here, your house?" Hanbin asked pointing to an average sized house, located further down the street.

"Yeah, you can drop me off here, I have legs, I can walk."

"No, it's dark." He shortly said and proceeded to drive the younger exactly to the said house, stopping right in front of the driveway, which was strangely empty. No car, no nothing.

"Aren't your parents home, yet?" Hanbin curiously asked.

"Nope. I live only with my dad and he works really late."

"Where's your mom?" He asked, not trying to be rude or too nosy.

"In America. With my little brother Yujin. My parents got divorced last year." Zhanghao slightly frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Sorry."

"No, it's okay. My mom wasn't the greatest either way. I just missed my brother so fucking much."

"Can't you FaceTime him? How old is he?"

"I can and I do, but it's not the same. He's 17, though."

"M." Hanbin hummed in understanding, not pushing it further.

"I should get going now. Thank you for driving me home safely." He quickly thanked and opened the car doors, getting out.

"Have a good night, Zhanghao."

"You too. Bye." He said and shut the doors, walking away.

He walked over to his front door and dug deep into his jeans pocket, looking for the key. He pulled it out and unlocked the door. Hanbin didn't actually drive off until he saw Hao safely entering his home.

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