Chapter Twenty

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The next morning both of the males got to school and went on their separate ways to class. The day was pretty uneventful and boring as per usual. For Hanbin at least.

But for Zhanghao, well...

"Sup, loser." Eric slapped Hao's butt and started walking beside him, throwing an arm over his shoulders.

Hao widened his eyes, totally caught off guard by the sudden action. He was not expecting that at all. He was just trying to peacefully go to his class without running into his bullies, which obviously didn't work.

"Where you up to?"

"Class. Please remove your hands off of me."

"Why? I thought you liked this. I've heard about you, you're quite the topic around the campus." Eric smirked, lowering his arm and wrapping it around Hao's waist, securing a tight grip. "Am I correct?"

"No. I don't even know what you heard about me."

"I heard that you like to sleep around. I know that you had a thing with Yuta, he told me all about it and said that you are still available. So can we make a deal, like a little secret between us?"

"I don't care what Yuta told you about me, but I wouldn't be so quick to believe him if I were you. That man has serious issues."

"Well, I just want to slide, are you in or not?"

Zhanghao grimaced at the question, he stayed quiet and purposefully took another route to his class, which forced them to walk past where Hanbin's next class was supposed to be.

"Why aren't you talking to me, hm?"

"Please, can't you tell that I'm not interested? You've been bothering me over again and again the whole past week. Take a hint. I am not interested."

"Not interested you say. Alright, what about we hang out first and then you decide? We don't have to hook up, just hang out and get to know each other a little bit better. Me and my friends are watching basketball at my place Friday night, come with me?" Eric urged, still not letting go of Hao.

"No, sorry, I have plans. I don't want to do anything with you or your friends." He said, slowing the pace as he walked right past Hanbin's class, which had widely opened doors.

He made direct eye contact with the Korean, who was already sitting at his table, waiting for class to start. "Shit." He cursed and quickly stood up, going right to Zhanghao and Eric. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" He aggressively pulled Eric's arm off of the Chinese.

"Yo, chill out."

"Leave him alone if you don't want to die." Hanbin pulled Hao towards him, keeping him close to his body.

"What is your problem?" Eric asked, getting mad.

"You. Who gave you permission to touch Zhanghao like that? You're not friends so leave him the fuck alone."

"Who said we're not friends?"

"We're not." Hao voiced out.

"We could be."

"You're delusional." Hanbin said.

"And who the fuck are you?"

"Zhanghao's boyfriend and who are you?"

Eric looked at Hao and squinted his eyes, in judgmental demeanour. "That thing has a boyfriend?"

"Shut the fuck up." Hanbin almost growled, not being able to stand Eric's degrading remarks towards Hao.

"No, but I will shut you the fuck up." Eric said, emphasising the you part and stepped closer to the male.

"Try me, asshole." Hanbin provoked.

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