Chapter Seventeen

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"You played so well today." Zhanghao complimented. Both of them were already seated in the car, driving to Hanbin's house.

"I always play well." He grinned.

"So cocky. I've seen you play a few times before, but since we were strangers at that time, I never cared to pay more attention to you. But now I did and I can really tell why all of the girls at university fangirl over you."

"Yeah, I guess they do. Will you be my fanboy then?"

"The one and only." Hao brightly smiled.

"Okay." Hanbin said and the car fell silent. They just stayed in a comfortable silence, listening to music that was faintly playing from the radio.

When they reached home, Zhanghao quickly said a small hi to Hanbin's parents and went upstairs.

"I'm going to shower. Wanna join?" Hanbin asked and Hao's cheeks immediately went red at the straightforward question.



"Go alone."

"Alright. You're missing out though." He laughed.


"Okay, okay." Hanbin took fresh clothes with him and closed the bathroom door, starting the shower.

Hot water made the room steamy pretty quickly, fogging up all of the mirrors. The Korean quickly got rid of his clothes and stepped under the water, washing off the tiredness away as his body became more relaxed.

He leaned into the water, letting it wash over his dark locks, savouring the refreshing moment. But suddenly a strange noise pulled him out of the trance when he heard the nob of the bathroom door slowly twist.

Hanbin chuckled, "So you came, huh?"

"You asked." Zhanghao timidly answered, walking in.

"Couldn't resist my temptation?"

"Look at you. You already know the answer." He cheekily smiled, starting to take off his clothes too. After he got completely undressed, he walked towards the shower, opened the glass door and stepped inside. "Hi."

"Get under the water, I know you're cold."

"Mhm." He hummed and got closer to Hanbin, submerging his body in hot water.

"Can we talk about what happened earlier today?"

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"Are you this used to always bottling up your emotions?"

"Isn't it quite obvious?"

"It is. We agreed that we will talk about it, can we?"

"Alright, we can try I guess?" Hao said sounding uncertain about the idea.

"What did Yuta tell you before I came?"

"He asked me if I was sitting there alone, because I didn't have any friends. And then proceeded to tell me that if I wasn't such a slut people would actually want to be around me."

Hanbin scrunched up his face, having to listen to the way Yuta talked to him, he hated it. "The fuck is his problem? People do want to be around you. I do."

"I know, but when he says these things, I start actually believing him. Maybe I am all the things he said that I was. A slut, a whore? Maybe I am just that."

"No. You're not. His view on you doesn't define your worth." He placed his hands on Zhanghao's waist and pulled him ever so slightly closer to himself, both of them facing each other. "Even if you did like to sleep around more than the usual person, Yuta still has no right to call you names and slut-shame. I'm sorry you have to go through that. Please don't listen to anything that asshole says to you, cause it's not true."

"I try not to care."

"Do try."

"Mhm, thank you for always being there for me."

"Don't thank me for it. That's what I'm supposed to do." Hanbin said and leaned in, placing a soft peck on Hao's lips and instantly pulled away.

"That's it?"

Hanbin chuckled at the question, "That's it?" He repeated, "What do you want?"


"What is more?"

"You know, more."

"No, just shower."

"How can I just shower when you're literally here. Naked."

"Having trouble controlling yourself?" Hanbin teased.

"I'm so boosting your ego, aren't I?"

"Mm, maybe." He lowly laughed. "So what do you want? What is more to you?"

"I don't know. Just something more than a kiss that lasts one second."

"Then there's plenty of things we could do that is more than that." Hanbin slightly guided Zhanghao backwards so his back would meet with the glass shower door.

He shivered at his skin making contact with the cold surface. He kept his eyes on the younger, seeing his gaze grow darker, needier.

Hanbin placed his hands on both sides of Hao's waist, caressing it softly.

"You're so pretty." He said, making the Chinese quite flustered.

"You too. Pretty." He repeated.

"Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask, just do it already." Hao smiled and instantly felt Hanbin's lips latching onto his own.

He gasped into the kiss when he felt Hanbin's grip around his waist tighten, making it more secure. Their lips smacked against one another's as they kissed messily.

Hanbin licked at his bottom lip, giving Hao a sign to open his mouth more to let him in. After Zhanghao had let him explore his mouth better, Hanbin detached one of his hands from Hao's waist and wrapped it around the male's neck.

Hao immediately messed up the kissing rhythm, throwing his head back against the glass.

"You like it?" Hanbin asked, wanting to reassure.

"A lot." Hao breathed out as the grip became more secure now that he knew about his liking.

"You seem to enjoy choking. I've noticed that."

Hao brought his hand to Hanbin's one and pressed harder on his throat, "I do." He whispered, grinning slightly.

Hanbin let go and went down to kiss his neck. He placed open mouthed kisses down the muscle, soothing the abused skin. He was aware not to leave hickeys since the fact that both of them now lived at his house with Hanbin's parents and he didn't want them to see it.

He knew that they wouldn't question the two, but he just didn't want to leave space for further interpretation on what they were doing behind closed doors.

Hanbin kissed his neck once more, sending full on shivers down Zhanghao's entire body. Hao felt ecstatic, Hanbin's lips felt amazing roaming on his skin. He wanted him so bad.

"我要你 (Wǒ yào nǐ/I want you)" Hao whispered in Chinese, eyes tightly shut.

"Hm?" Hanbin hummed, not understanding what the other was saying.


"What does that mean?"

"I want you, Hanbin-ah."

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