Chapter Eleven

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"Wake up." Hanbin slightly shook Hao's body who was pressed up against his own.

"5 more minutes..." He whined, turning on the other side.

"Wake up."

"Please, just 5 more."

"Nope. Wake up." Hanbin stood up and started dragging the other out of his bed, making him groan.

"Not a nice way to wake someone."

"And what could you consider as nice?"

"Letting me sleep."

"It's Friday, wake up one more time and you can sleep in tomorrow."

"Okayyy." Hao rolled out of bed and fixed his messy hair. "I look ugly." He said after taking a glance at the mirror.

"What? No you don't."

"Yes, I do. I've gained some weight recently too." He kept picking himself apart as he looked at his reflection.

"That's not a bad thing. You look good. You always look good."

"Stop it." Zhanghao just shook his head.

"Then stop degrading yourself, I can't stand it. You are beautiful, Hao. Hurry up and get ready, I'm driving us in 15 minutes."


Hanbin and Zhanghao were walking peacefully through the university hall when a girl with light brown hair and big eyes stopped the two, starting a conversation.

"How are you today, Hanbin-ah." She said in an awfully sweet voice.

"Hello." He greeted her politely. "I am alright."

"Good. Where are you headed at?"

"I'm going to class right now."

"Are you doing anything after classes today?" She asked, making Zhanghao roll his eyes.

It was to no Hao's surprise that Hanbin was popular amongst the university girls. Just look at him and you'll understand the hype too.

"Oh, sorry I am quite busy these days." He laughed awkwardly.

"What a shame. How about next week? I'm sure you could find some time to hangout, yeah?" She pouted and brushed her hand over Hanbin's arm, making Hao furrow his face in disgust. He hated it so much. And the fact that Hanbin wasn't doing anything about it was pissing him off even more.

"I don't know about that."

"Ah, really? Why?"

"As I said, I'm quite busy."

"Sure. Text me if anything, okay?" She winked and walked away.

"Yuck!" Zhanghao immediately voiced out, starting to walk forward.

"Someone is jealous." Hanbin said, catching up to him.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just... Okay, maybe I am jealous. Why did you let her flirt with you when I was literally right here?"

"Well, why did you let her flirt with me when you were literally right there?" Hanbin redirected the question.

"I can't just go around telling everyone about us."

"Yeah, me too, that's the point. Then what did you want me to do about it if I'm not allowed to talk about us?"

"You could have told her that you're not interested or that you already have someone." Zhanghao bitterly said.

"But I technically don't. We're still not official or anything like that."

"Ya! You know what I meant. You're mine."

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