Chapter Eighteen

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Hanbin swiftly cleared a patch of steam off the foggy mirror, revealing Zhanghao's real state. His hair was all kinds of messy, sticking to his forehead and cheeks, his mouth was fallen apart and eyes tired, almost half-lidded.

"Look at yourself in the mirror." Hanbin said, increasing the pace of his hips.

"Fuck!" Zhanghao moaned as he was bent over, gripping the sink, receiving intense back shots. He could barely keep himself up, his legs were seriously giving out. He tried to hold himself stable by holding onto the counter, but he was being completely destroyed from behind senseless. "Shit, Hanbin-ah."

"Shh... You have to be nice and quiet for me." Hanbin lowly said, not wanting his parents to accidentally overhear. You would think that it wasn't possible for them to hear because they were in the bathroom, two doors away, but with how vocal Zhanghao was being, it was absolutely possible. "Can you do that for me?"

Hao nodded and bit down onto his bottom lip, trying to suppress the sounds that were threatening to come out with each and every thrust. The movements were starting to become more sloppy, when Hanbin found Hao's sweet spot.

"Right there." He whined, letting Hanbin know.

The Korean glided his hands down Hao's slim body frame, feeling up his hot skin. "You're so beautiful. You sound so beautiful."

Zhanghao's eyes were almost rolling back with the mix of intense pleasure and now added praise, "Ah~ shut up." He moaned out, having enough trouble keeping himself together already.

"Move your hands, baby." Hanbin reached for the male's hands and brought them back to Hao's back, securing a grip around them from behind.

It was a second time when that pet name had slipped right out of his mouth. It felt strange calling Zhanghao pet names and Hanbin didn't exactly know why. Maybe because in the back of his head he knew that there were lots of other men that once called him the same too?

He wasn't the type to judge anyone for anything, especially not their sex life, but since they were a thing now, the thought of Hao being with others slightly bothered him.

He knew that it was all in the past and that it shouldn't matter now, but Hanbin couldn't ignore the fact that it did matter to him.




"Hm?" He hummed as Zhanghao's voice suddenly pulled him back out of his thoughts.

"You zoned out." Hao pointed out and slipped off Hanbin, figuring out that the male didn't feel good in the moment. He didn't judge him for it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you want to continue?"

"No, it's okay." He said, starting to put his clothes back on. "What's up?"

"Uh, I don't know. I guess you're right, I kinda did zone out." Hanbin admitted and pulled up his pants too.

"Is there anything wrong?" Hao asked and sat on the bathroom counter. He put his hand out for the other and pulled Hanbin closer, letting him stand between his legs. "Let's talk. Is everything okay?"


"Hm..." Hao squinted his eyes, "You can tell me." He reassured.

"It's stupid."

"It's not, don't invalidate your feelings. Just tell me."

"You know how you've been with a lot of men before, right?"

"Yeah?" Hao sceptically answered.

"You never told me the exact number, but I figured that there was quite a few. And like... The thought of it—" Hanbin struggled, he had trouble putting his feelings into words. "The thought of you with others, giving in so easily—that doesn't sit right with me."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I would lie by saying that it doesn't bother me. I know you can't do anything about it now, but I don't know, it just does. I try to prove to myself that I'm okay with that, but maybe I'm just insecure."

"Insecure? Why?"

"Cause I don't know if you think that our situation is just another quick fling for you."

"You don't have to be insecure over anything. I don't know how much you trust what I say, but know that we are not just a quick fling for me. You're the only one I'm seeing right now. There is nothing that you should worry about."

"I know, I know... But it's still confusing. Why did you choose me over all these people when you could have anyone. I mean, look at you, you're so attractive."

"I chose you, because you're different." Hao said.

"How come?"

"You see me as more than my body. Sex is not a priority to you. I like that. I know I've been with a lot of men before, but I never really got to connect with any of them on a deeper level like I did with you. I understand you though. I wouldn't want to be with someone like me either."

"What? No! That's not what I meant. It just got to my head too much. There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with you." Hanbin said, fearing of his words being twisted.

"I hope my past will not get in the way of our relationship. I really cherish what we have and I would hate for it to end."

"It won't end any time soon. I promise you. And I'm sorry for worrying you and causing whatever the fuck this was."

"No, it's good that we talked it out if that has been on your mind recently."


"Did you calling me 'baby' provoke these feelings?" Hao asked.

"How did you know?" Hanbin chuckled at the accuracy.

"Well, that's what you said before completely zoning out. But I like when you call me that. Sounds nice."

"Oh, so you like it?"

"Of course, why would I not?"

"I don't know. Then I'll keep it in mind to call you that more often." Hanbin cheekily smiled.

"Alright." Hao sweetly smiled too.

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