Chapter Ten

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"Your parents are so chill. I'm really glad you have such supportive people in your life." Zhanghao said out of nowhere.

He was obviously forced to meet them since he was going to be spending some time at Hanbin's. Of course they didn't tell them exactly why he was staying there, they just thought of something somewhat believable, yet not that concerning like almost getting raped by your father.

"Yeah, they're cool. I guess I'm lucky."

"When did you come out to them?"

"I came out to them as bisexual when I was like 14 and gay when I was 17."

"Oh, so at first you thought that you were bisexual?" Hao asked.

"I did for sometime, but in reality I was just lying to myself. I tried to prove that I could like women. In fact, I didn't at all."

"Everyone has to start somewhere."

"Yeah. What about you?"

"I never really came out, my mom just walked in on me and my boyfriend at that time kissing in my room. Then she told my dad. I was 16, I think. My brother knew from earlier though. He's the only one who supports me."

"Your mom is homophobic like your father?"

"Not to that level, but she just doesn't really get it. Always said I'll grow out of it. I'm 21 and still gay as fuck."

"Ah, I'm sorry they're like that." Hanbin said.

"It's okay"

"So... How are you feeling? After what happened today?" Hanbin asked as he laced his fingers through Zhanghao's blonde locks who was laying on the younger's chest. It was almost midnight and both of them were already settled in Hanbin's bed.

"Hm... Drained, I guess? I don't know. I feel all over the place."

"Today was rough for you, wasn't it." He said more as a fact than a question for Hao to answer.

"I'm okay now and that's what matters."

"I shouldn't have told you to go home earlier. Especially not after you had told me that your father was abusive. I feel horrible." He softly spoke out, continuing to play with Hao's hair.

"Hey, please don't blame yourself. You didn't know. I didn't know... He was never like... that. There was no way for you to know that he was going to try and force himself onto me."

"Yeah, I know, but I still feel so guilty about telling you to go home. I was just scared for you to get grounded. But I think getting grounded would have been way better than getting sexually assaulted by your father."

"Yeah, probably." Hao lowly chuckled.

"I am so sorry that happened."

"Don't apologise, I'm okay now."

"Yeah..." Hanbin sighed and just tried to think of something to change the topic. "Have you talked to your brother recently?"


"Do you still talk everyday?"

"We don't talk everyday like we used to, but we still do sometimes, he FaceTimed me like a few days ago."

"Why don't you FaceTime everyday anymore?"

"Hm, I don't know. He has his things as I have my own, I guess. The distance is really pulling us apart. We used to tell literally everything to each other, but now... He barely even knows about you, about us. I mean he knows you from the times he called when we were together, but not more than that." Zhanghao said and Hanbin immediately picked up on his disappointed tone.

"You miss him a lot, right?"

"I do. I just want to talk to him in real life. Talking on the phone doesn't feel genuine anymore. I hate it. I hate that we are slowly drifting apart."

"Ah, that sucks. You said he's coming back on Christmas though, yeah?"

"I don't know anymore, maybe. I want to see him, but I don't want him to be around my father. What if he tries something on him too? Gosh, I can't even let myself imagine that. Shit, nothing in my life is going good right now."

Hanbin frowned, "Let me be good for you then, Hao."

The Chinese looked at the other and just laughed, "Can you?"

"What's so funny? You don't think I can?"

"You have yet to prove it to me so I don't know."

"How do you want me to prove it?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Is kissing not enough for you?" Hanbin lifted one of his eyebrows.

"Hm, it is, but..." Hao brought himself closer and whispered into Hanbin's ear, "I want more."

"What do you want exactly?"

"Oh c'mon. Don't play dumb on me. You know what I want."

"But it's pretty late."

"I don't care."

"We have school tomorrow."

"And to that, I also don't care."

"You'll be tired in the morning."

"Challenging me? I love a good challenge, sir." Hao teased, starting to play with the strings of Hanbin's sweatpants between his slim fingers.

"Hao—" Hanbin started saying after feeling the older's hand starting to creep under the waistband, but was instantly cut off.

"Let me please you. You don't have to do anything. You can just lay down."

"No, tomorrow you will beg me to skip classes."

"I won't."

"Yes, you will. Go to sleep. You don't have to please me right now."

"But I want to." Hao looked up at him.

"I don't." He lied. He wanted it so bad. "Go to sleep."

"Alright." Zhanghao just shrugged and laid back down, keeping a distance between the two bodies to show his defeat.

"Come closer."

"Nah. I'm good."

"I thought you wanted me, why so far all of the sudden?" Hanbin smirked at how the older was sulking silently.

"I'm comfortable here." He answered shortly.

"Mhm, comfortable my ass."

"No, I really am."

"Okay then." Hanbin shrugged and changed his sleeping position, turning his back to the male.

"Ya, turn back around." Hao immediately voiced his dissatisfaction.

"So you do want me." Hanbin grinned, turning back and facing Hao.

"You owe me."

"What do I owe you?"

"A good night. Remember that." Zhanghao said with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah, yeah." Hanbin chuckled and pulled the older in, cuddling him to sleep. "Goodnight."


"Say it back."

"Goodnight, stupid."

"Your attitude sucks." Hanbin pointed out.

"I can suck better."

"Shut up and sleep."

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