Chapter Nine

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Zhanghao tried to enter his house as quickly and quiet as possible, being aware of the whole situation, trying to avoid running into his father. He took off his shoes and sped walked through the hall, aiming for the staircase to go to his bedroom.

"You're home."

Hao immediately stopped in his tracks, turning around to face the man.

"Where were you?"

"At my friend's house."

"No. Where were you exactly?"

"Uh, as I told you I went to my friend's house to work on a project that we have assigned together." The male said, trying to sound convincing.

"A project, right. Can I see it?"

"I don't have it with me. I left it there. It's at my friend's house."

"You don't think I'm that stupid, now do you? I know what you're doing." His father said.

"And what do you think it is that I'm doing?" Hao knitted his eyebrows together.

"Meeting up with boys. Drinking, smoking, drugs? Hooking up behind my back."

"What?! I don't drink or do drugs." Hao defended himself.

"You smoke though, right?"

"Just cigarettes, not weed."

"Ah. I see. But about the hooking up thing..." He muttered, "I know I'm right here."

"Why would you even think that?"

"That boy of yours that came over the other day, I know you're seeing him."

"No, I'm not, you don't know that. And if I were, that doesn't mean that I couldn't be working on a project with him!"

"Oh! So it's with him. Alright, alright." His father finally understood and Hao just mentally scolded himself for blurring it all out. He could have just easily said that it was with someone else.

"Appa, we are just working on a project... Nothing more."

"I don't believe that." He lowly said in a voice that was starting to scare Zhanghao. He slowly began walking towards him. "You know, Hao, I wouldn't even blame him if he was doing stuff with you. You are a beautiful young man."

The Chinese male scrunched up his nose at the off putting comment and how his father's gaze had changed. It wasn't an angry gaze anymore, it was a weird one, a hungry one.

"Your looks are deceiving. You look like a shy and quiet boy from outside, but I know you're not. You're a wild one, aren't you, hm?" His father brought his hand to Hao's body and caressed the material of his shirt and spoke up again, "You should lose these oversized clothes, your figure is amazing for a guy." He lifted it up, revealing his lower stomach and abs.

"What are you doing?" Zhanghao breathed out quietly, he felt almost as if he was frozen in his place. He couldn't move or do anything.

"Your waist is so small." He put both of his cold hands on his bare waist under the shirt and Hao immediately woke up. This finally rang his alarms.

"Hey!" He yelled and tried to brush his father's hands away from his body, but his grip just tightened. "Appa, what are you—"

His father pulled him in closer, "I never thought about you in this way until I started noticing you sleeping with guys. Always seeing hickeys on your neck and tired eyes made me start to see you in a different light. You're so attractive, son. I understand why you are so popular with guys now."

The expression that Hao had on his face was terrifying. He was so scared about what could happen any minute now.

"Please, let go of me." He uttered.

His father just hummed and one of his hand went down his waist as he hooked a finger in Hao's jean's waistband.

Zhanghao just widened his eyes. He now was fully aware of his father's intentions and as a matter of fact, he didn't know what to do. He would much rather have his father be violent towards him than do whatever the fuck he was doing right in that moment.

Hao felt so weak in the man's presence.

"Should we take it to the bedroom?" He smirked and forcefully pulled on Hao's pants, slightly pulling them down, but not enough to expose him.

Zhanghao immediately jumped back, "What is your problem?!" He yelled out, backing away.

"C'mon, son, don't be so tense."

"Stay the fuck away from me!"

"Shhh..." He chuckled, coming towards him again.

"Stay away!" Hao almost pleaded, breathing starting to get heavy. "Don't you even dare to get closer to me!" He yelled at the top of his lungs while he slowly, but surely made his way towards the front door, never turning his back to the man.

"Don't shout."

"Stay. Away." He lastly said and after swiftly opening the door left with a harsh slam, tears beginning to spill down his heated face.


Zhanghao kept knocking on Hanbin's door until he opened it with a confused face.

"Hey, you're here again?"

"Can I stay over for a bit?" Hao hurriedly asked in obvious distress.

"Hm? Why? Did something happen? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Hao just shook his head, "Can I come in first?"

"Yeah, of course." He stepped aside, letting him enter. "Are you okay?"

Zhanghao turned around and faced the younger, "My father tried to rape me."

"WHAT?" Hanbin's jaw dropped completely to the floor. "What—How... What?! Are you okay???" He instantly jumped closer to Hao, taking his hands into his.

"I'm okay." He gave a small smile.

"Hao, you obviously are not. What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Hanbin carefully asked, pulling on his hand, taking him to his bedroom upstairs. He closed the door and sat both of them on his bed. "Please, talk to me. Tell me everything that happened."

"Uh... So well, I thought that he hated the idea of me being gay, but now I think that maybe it was just internalised homophobia? Or the fact that he couldn't be... with me? But he's my father, I—I just don't know... Maybe I just misunderstood it all?"

"Hey, no. Don't invalidate your feelings. Can you tell me what he did?"

"He just... Aghh—He lifted up my shirt and put his hands on my waist and then he... Then he started to pull down my pants or something like that? I don't know, I don't remember."

"Trauma response." Hanbin sighed deeply. Oh, how much he hated seeing Zhanghao hurting like that.

"He was saying so much weird stuff, like that my body is amazing and that he was envious of people who sleep with me."

"What the fuck." The younger cursed in pure disgust. "He didn't do anything else, right? He didn't go any further or touch you more?"


"Thank fucking God. How could anyone do this to their own son in the first place? Are you sure you're okay, though? Do you need anything from me? Do you want me to comfort you, Hao?"

"I'm just scared." Zhanghao admitted lowly and was immediately pulled into a safe hug by Hanbin.

"I know, I know. Stay here as long as you need. You can't come back to that pervert right now."

"But what about your parents?"

"They won't mind. Stay with me. You are safe here."

"Thank you so much, Hanbin."

"You are welcome."

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