Chapter Six

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"I don't sleep around, Hao." Hanbin said, looking at the older. "I only do it with people who are special to me. I don't do no strings attached like, well... you."

"Hm..." Zhanghao thought for a second, "But what if there were strings attached?"

Hanbin just laughed, "You're funny."

"Why? What did I say?"

"You understand that strings attached means you have to be consistent: go on dates, spend time together, do coupley things and you can't sleep around anymore, right?"

"Yeah, of course I understand that."

"And you think a guy like you can follow the rules?"

"Who do you think I am, Hanbin-ah?"

"You don't do that from what I know."

"Well, I did with Yuta." Hao bitterly said.

"You guys went on dates?" Hanbin mockingly asked.


"Like what?"

"Dinner at his place or something like that."

"And y'all fucked at the end, right?"


"Then that's not a date, Hao." Hanbin chuckled at the other's naive thinking. "He made you believe that it was so you would put your guard down and give it up for him more easily."

"That's not—" Zhanghao tried to fight back even though deep inside he perfectly knew that Hanbin was completely right here.

"You think someone like Yuta would actually care to go on dates with you if he knew that he wouldn't be getting anything afterwards? I don't think so."

"You make it seem like we fucked everyday."

"Not everyday, but often enough for me to constantly hear about it in the locker rooms."

"Right, I completely forgot that... you know. Everything." Zhanghao sighed, sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, I won't lie, I know more than I need to and that's what makes me so fucking upset." Hanbin scrunched up his face in annoyance.

"What bothers me the most is not the fact that people know, but it's that they've seen it too. Like visually. Oh my god, what do I do? This could literally ruin my chances at a normal job."

"Don't worry, Hao. Good thing you know not to include your face when sending nudes." Hanbin said and instantly received a death glare from the older.

"Ya! I'm just so scared our whole university will see those pictures... Or even worse, that video of me getting back shots! Gosh, I hope he mutes it at least."

"What the fuck are saying?" Hanbin asked, almost wanting to laugh.

It's not that the situation itself was funny, in fact it was a very serious and uncomfortable situation to be in, the funny part was just how Zhanghao reacted to all of it. He was worried more about being heard moaning than seen being fucked in the ass.

"He won't send it around, don't worry, alright?" Hanbin reassured.

"How would you know that?"

"I'll make sure of it. Trust me." The younger smiled.


Hanbin needed to leave early in the morning the next day, in hopes to avoid accidentally running into Zhanghao's father.

He didn't want to make things even more awkward between the two than they already were. And of course, he couldn't possibly risk him seeing the male's neck again that was littered in even more purple hickeys which were the result of another long and lazy make out session with his son at 3AM in the morning.

"I'm leaving." He lowly whispered after slightly shaking Hao's body.

"Mhm, drive safely."

"I will." Hanbin nodded and quickly left.

He drove a good 20 minutes in his car, following a GPS since he still wasn't completely familiar with the route from Hao's house to his own. Before opening the front door, he pulled a hood over his head and walked into his house where he was immediately greeted by his mother sitting in the living room, watching something on TV.

"Where were you? Why are you coming home just now?" She asked, lowering the volume of her show.

"I stayed over at my friend's house. Sorry I didn't tell you in advance."

"You could have just texted me or something. I was worried about you."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just forgot somehow." Hanbin said softly. "I'll make sure to let you know next time."

"Alright. No need to call, just a text is fine. It's all I'm asking." His mother said and stood up, walking over to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

"Not really. I already ate with my friend."

"Who is the friend?"

"Just someone I met at university. A grade above me."

"Boy or girl?" She asked.


"Mhm. Okay, cool."

"Yeah..." Hanbin murmured and was about to walk upstairs when his mother spoke up again.

"Is he just a friend or someone I should be worried about?"

"Just a friend, mom. You don't have to worry about anything."

"Well, something you should definitely be worried about is your neck, son. Cover it up before classes on Monday." She said and sent him a knowing smile.

"Oh, you saw." Hanbin lightly laughed. He was actually so blessed to have chill parents who supported him no matter what he did. They didn't really care what he was doing, with who and where he was doing it as long as he was happy and came back home safe at the end of the day.

"Dinners at 6." She said one last thing and after uttering a small 'okay' the Korean male walked upstairs into his room.

He closed the door and pulled the hoodie over his head, discarding it completely. He slightly lifted his t-shirt up and looked at his own reflection in the mirror, admiring whatever Zhanghao had created.

Hickeys on his abs.

"He'll be the death of me." He whispered to himself and took the shirt off, going to shower.

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