Chapter 3

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Yn's pov-

Finally it was time of last lecture. I went in my class room. This time hyung line was with us. I bet they dont know what maknae line did.

Jin,suga,rm ,jhope were in this class. I again sat on the last bench alone.

After two hours the lecture ended. Ugh! Fucking two hours!!

I again went into hallway. This time bts's maknae line and bp came together.

Yn- Now what? You will kill me? *more irritated*
Jennie- No but here to tell u some rules that you should follow!
Yn- I will not follow any rules. *I calmly said*

Jimin grabs my hair.

Jimin- YOU WILL!!

She harshly slapped me and I fell to ground. They again started beating me. I will not follow their Fucking rules!

Jennie- *grabs Yn's hair* NOW TELL ME WILL YOU FOLLOW?

Jennie slapped me more hard this time my head hitted to ground and started bleeding.

V- Wait guys we will see her tomorrow we have a meeting today with Jack remember!

Oh shit! I will be late for meeting if I started to treat my wounds I am just gonna ride my bike as fast as I can to home!

I then got up and ran to my bike.

After some mins I reached home.

Yn- I am home mom!
Mom- Hon- what happened to you?
Yn- What mom?
Mom- Your head is bleeding!* worried*
Yn- Mom i- i- I fell from stairs.
Mom- Then why didn't you treat yourself you always have med kit right?
Yn- Mom I am late for meeting thats why.
Mom- Let me treat it.
Yn- But Mom-
Mom- No honey I will treat it.
Yn- Okay!

She started treating my wounds.How do I tell her that a mafia is being bullied by another mafias. I wish i've never promised you.

She treated my wounds and I got ready. I wore my wig and black suit. I went to my car and started driving to my mansion.


Jin- Is Everyone ready?
Jennie Yes oppa!
Suga- No not the late boy!
Rm-This boy. Jiminnn!!
Jimin- Coming hyung.

Jimin came and they settled in limo and reached the mansion.

Yn's pov-

I am in mansion and I have covered my head bandage from my wig.

They came.

Jack- Hi. *I said firmly and coldly*
Rm- Hi!
All- Hi!
Jack- Pls sit down. *extremely cold*
Jack- You said you wanna meet me?*coldly*
Jin- Yes. We are here for a prey we want to kill together! *cold*
Jack- hmm! Who is the prey Mr.? *extremely cold*
Jin- He is Mr. Han
Jack- *smirks* oh han!
Jin- Yes! Lets kill him together!
Jack- We will do that day after tomorrow. Till then you guys will find some information!
Jin- Deal then?
Jack- Deal!

(If you didn't understood who is jack then jack is yn. Yn disguise herself as boy when she becomes mafia. )

After The deal they went home and I also went home.

Mom- Welcome sweetie.
Yn- Thanks mom!
Mom- How was the meeting?
Yn- Good!
Mom- Ok sit! I will give you dinner.
Yn- Ok mom!
Mom- I have something to tell you!
Yn- Yes mom?
Mom- Ihaveabfandiwannamarryhim!
Yn- What kind of alien language was that mom?
Mom- Umm,I have a bf and I wanna marry him!
Yn- What? Are you serious?
Mom- Yes. Sor-
Yn- Yay! I will get father yay!!
Mom- Hu?
Yn- Yes mom I am happy for you!!
Mom- Really!! I m happy too sweety thanks!
Yn- Yay!

To be continued......

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