Chapter 14

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Author's pov-

They all came back to the mansion.

Jack- Great job guys!Now let me treat you all!
Jin- ok!

Jack treated their wounds,made dinner and bangpink went home.

Jack- Phew! Oh fuck! Its 11 I have to go!!

Jack changed her clothes to Yn's one. She went to her car and just speed up as much as she could.

She reached home after some minutes. Bangpink were standing there with their cold faces.

Jin- Where were you?
Yn- At company. * extremely cold *
Jimin- Oh so you work for this late.
Yn- I cant leave company till my work is done.
Suga- You have to follow the rules! Cant you understand?
Yn- Nah I cant!
V- Let me make you understand then!!!

V dragged her into the basement and pushed her onto the floor.

Yn- Not again.* irritated *
V- Now tell us will you follow our rules??
Yn- Never!

Jungkook was so angry this time that he loaded his gun and pointed at Yn's head.

Jk- Now whats your thinking?
Yn- Uh uh no!
Jk- I will kill you!
Yn- Dare to fire it!
Jk- I can!
Yn- Do it !

He fired the gun but it passed an inch away from her shoulder. Jungkook thought she would be scared now but she didn't even flinched.

Jk- How c- can you not?
Yn- *evil laugh* do you think this shit can scare me? Nah!!

Bangpink were shocked. They were just thinking what is happening ? How is she not scared of guns.

Yn left from basement.

In Yn's room-

Yn- Why you left me? Only you were there who could understand me. You know what from the day you left me I am just all broken. Whyyyyy?? *crying*

Yn's pov-

I was crying when I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked up.

Yn- Lisa?
Lisa- You can call me unnie yn.
I accept you! Little sis! I have always wanted someone younger than me. I accept you yn from the bottom of my heart.

I immediately hugged her. .

Yn- Thanks unnie!! I accept you too!!
Lisa- *smiles*

Will others accept her?? Is lisa doing this oj purpose?Who left yn? Whom was yn talking about? 

To be continued.....

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