Chapter 22

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Annie- And maybe you dont wanna see her angry.
V- Why? We are not scared of anyone.
Annie- Trust me! Once you saw her anger, you will never wanna talk to her and even look at her again!
Jennie- *laughs*
Jisoo- And who just wanna talk with this bitch?
Annie- *angry* Actually you know what? I did a big mistake coming with u guys!!

After that everyone was silent. They reached the mansion.
*entered in*

Yn- Go get some rest annie! After we have work! *coldly*
V- Like we can let you go?
Yn- Like you can stop us? *cold*
Jennie- Yes we can!
Yn- *rolls eyes* Annie.
Annie- Yes?
Yn- Go get some rest after that we have to go!
Annie- Ok!

Yn and annie went to their rooms.
After freshing up they came downstairs wearing formal clothes.

V- Wait!
Annie- What Happened?
Jennie- You are not going anywhere!
Yn- Hmm. Lets go annie!
Annie- Ok.
Jisoo- *grabs Yn's hand*
Yn- What do u want adopted shit?
Rose- You.are.not.going.anywhere!
Yn- Yeah yeah!

They went to car and yn started driving.

Annie- So where we will go first?
Yn- Company! We have a meeting.
Annie- With whom?
Yn- Bangpink.
Annie- Hyung line too?
Yn- Yeah.
Annie- Ok then?
Yn- Then we will go to mansion cause we have a mission.
Annie- Ok. Then....
Yn- Then?
Annie- Ice cream?
Yn- Ok!
Annie- Yay! Thanks !
Yn- *smiles*

After that they reached the company.

In meeting room -

Yn- Hi.
Jin- *shocked*
Rm- h- Hi.
Annie- What happened?
Suga- You will do meeting with us?
Yn- Yeah we own this company!
V- *shocked*
Jennie- We just work in our dad's company and you own your mother's company?
Yn- Thats bcz our mother trust us unlike you!
Jisoo- *angry*
Yn- Anyways lets start the meeting.
Jin- Yeah.

They showed yn and annie their plans.

Yn- Thanks Mr. Kim for attending the meeting and sharing ideas! We will tell if we accept or not!
Jin- Ok!
Rm- Bye!
Lisa- Now you will come home?
Yn- No we have some other work.
Lisa- Oh ok.

In mansion-

Jack- Junie they are late. *cold*
Junie- Whats new? *cold*
Jack- Nothing just I am loosing my patience.  *cold*
Junie- Same here. *cold*

They came -

Jack- You are late.
Jin- Sorry.
Junie- Its ok.
V- You alright now?
Junie- Yeah!
Jack- Ok now listen the plan.

They told them The plan and everybody went to The location. The mission went well.

*after the mission in car*

Annie- Now ice cream?
Yn- Sure!

She stopped the car at icecream shop and went to take the ice cream. After a min she came back.

Yn- Here partner!
Annie- Thanks!!
Yn- *smiles*

They went home. Yn saw that annie slept in car as she was tired. Yn picked her up in bridal style and took in.

V- Where were -
Yn- Shhh! We will talk first let me get her to her room.
Jennie- Fast.

She went to annie's room and laid annie down. She came downstairs.

Jin- Now tell us where were you?
Yn- At company.
V- Really?
Yn- yeah.
Jennie- Just tell the truth!
Yn- Ugh! Its truth!
Jisoo- We know you were at club dealing with our enemy to kill us!
Yn- *laughs*
Suga- Why are You laughing?
Yn- If I wanted to kill you! Why would I deal With your enemy? I could kill you all by my self! *laughs*
Jennie- Oh Really?
Yn- Yes Really.
Jisoo- *smirks* Then whats this?
Yn- what?
Jisoo- *shows a photo*
Yn- *laughs* Thats photoshopped!
Jin- And how do you know?
Yn- *laughs* I am expert at detecting lies!
Jennie- You even lie to annie!
Yn- Just tell her anything and she will not believe cuz I was with her the whole day! *laughs* And people say they are so smart!! *laughs and looks at Jisoo*
Jisoo- *clenched her jaw*

To be continued....

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