Chapter 32

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??- And someone would love to kill right now!

Jackson turned his head towards the sound.

Jackson- Annie??
Yn - I told you guys to not come here!
V- We had to!
Jackson- How about we play something?
Jimin- We are not here for games! Just give us back our yn and Your suitcase too!!
Jackson- Why do you care about her now? I helped her escape your hell! You just hurt her nothing else even her own sister!! But i.... I LOVE YN! I LOVE HER!!
Yn- *shocked*
Annie- And you think we will say that "Oh C'mon go and marry her! We are so happy" *sarcastically*
Jackson- I will do that but first I have to finish you! GAURDS!
*no one came*
Yn- *laughs* Your Fucking guards must be laying in pain now!!
Jackson- Love you dont know me well! I have multiple plans or maybe more than plans!
Yn- Can you stop calling me love its cringe!!
Annie- *laughs*
Jennie- Looks like she is not interested in you and your shity love Jackson!
Jackson- She will fall for me someday! *winks at yn*
Yn- Eww! Your wink had me throw up!!
V- *laughs*
Jimin- Eat your own medicine now! *laughs*
Jackson- Love why are you insulting your future husband? *gritting teeth*
Yn- *laughs* Future husband?? My foot future husband! Have you seen your face ? You are no match for me!! You belong to zoo! Go there in cage there is monkey waiting for you!! You are a monkey and have you seen me?? I am atleast not an animal!! *extremely cold*
Jackson- *angry*
Suga- *proud* Thats my girl!! *laughs*
Jk- *laughs* Yoongi hyung you taught her this??
Suga- Nah but i am proud!!
Jackson- Love I will see you later first let me finish them!! *angry*
Yn- You cant even give answer of your insults and you wanna finish them?? Forget it monkey!!
Jin- *laughs* We came here to fight for yn but looks like She is enough to annoy you!!
Yn- I am not annoying!! He is annoying! He was saying he will give me punishment! No what?? He will beat me? Use me and throw me away?? Use me for his mean? Torture me?? I am used to it!!
Rose- *sad*
Jackson- See I told you! She was living in hell! I will make her life a living pleasure!
Yn- Oh mister! Do anything but after you loose pls go to zoo! The zookeeper were finding you!! Doesnt even know how to talk and will make my life living pleasure!

Laughter echoed in room once more. Everyone except Jackson And yn laughed. Jackson was now more angry. He couldnt take this insult!

Jackson- Love! If you say something one more time you will face bad circumstances!
Yn- And what will you do??
Annie- Jackson return her!!
Jackson- Never!!
Jimin- We are not asking we are ordering!
Jackson- And do you think I will do that??
Yn- Yeah cuz monkeys do whatever they want its not his fault!
Jhope- *laughs*
Yn- *evil laugh* Dont ever talk to me like that! You will see what I do then!! Till now I was just joking!! If you talk to me like this one more time. You will find your self in the basement tied with chains the next minute. And I will torture you for the rest of ur life!! *angry*
Jackson- Basement?? *laughs* You?? You will torture me?? *evil laugh* Kill a cockroach first!! *laughs*
Yn- BITCH!! I have killed my father's murderer and tortured his men with unique methods! And you are asking about cockroaches??

That was it jackson lost his patience and went towards yn. He raised his hand to slap her but a hand stopped him.

Yn- *smirks* Good bye!
Jackson- You did the same!
Annie-. .........
Yn- Dont get distracted by his words!!

Annie held his hand more tightly and broke it.
V- Did I just saw she broke his hand?? *shocked*
Jimin- Yep!! *shocked*

Jackson groans in pain.

Jackson- Guards!!

Some men came in stood with jackson.

Yn- *evil laugh*
V- Why are you laughing??
Yn- I am with him!!
Annie- What??
Yn- Yes it was a trap dears!!
Jennie- W-what??

Every one's face was like they got a betrayed.

Yn- *laughs* Just kidding! Just you guys have seen your faces!! *laughs*
Annie- Phew!!
Yn- Ok attack!!

Suddenly the men standing with jackson attacked jackson.

V- Wtf??
Jimin- I cant understand anything!!
Suga- This was really not planned!
Yn- First unitie me and I will explain!! Hey! Dont kill him! I have to show him a torture then give him back to zoo!!
Annie- *laughs*
Jennie- Ok now pls explain!!
Jimin- Wait!!

Jimin hugs yn immediately. Yn was shocked. Then reality hits her. They know she is their sister.

Yn- *hugs back* Mochi!!
Jimin- You remember this name??
Yn- Ofc!!
Jk- *hugs her too*
Yn- Kookie!!
V- We are really sorry minshi!!
Yn- *smiles* Its ok!!
Jennie- We beated you! We tortured you! We are sorry!!
Yn- Its fine!
Annie- I am sorry-

Yn pulls her in a hug. Annie hugs her back too.

Yn- You dont know how much I was worried when I left house.
Annie- Sorry!!
Yn- Hmm....
Jin- ok now explain what is this??
Yn- I knew about their plan. After jackson heard this plan. I knew he would do something. His plan was when I am crying in my room after that incident, he will kidnap me. He planned everything. I knew what you were gonna do so I made this plan of men. I knew you were gonna say I stole necklace and then find it in my cupboard and make annie believe ia m a lier. But I thought annie will not trust you but instead she slapped me. I hady self respect so I left that place in anger but jackson got another chance to make his plan perfectly work. My plan was in sync too so I called the men before he kidnapped me!
V- Why didnt you fight when you knew he was gonna do that??
Yn- First of all he was with his men. Second of all we have to get him till here to so that we can get him otherwise his men must have found him. Got it now??
Annie- Oh!!
Jimin- Lets go home now!!
Yn- Ok!!

To be continued......

Hi lovelies! How are you doing? This story is about to end maybe 1 or 2 chapter are left so enjoy. Moreover I have exciting announcement for you guys!! I will tell in the last chapter!!

Bye! ❤️❣️💖💜

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