Chapter 12

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Yn's pov-

Hah! Taught those bitches a lesson. My gosh their faces. Ok! Now I have to work! Tomorrow I have a mission with bangpink so I gotta check my files! Plan an attack and sleep. Oh! So much work!

Author's pov-

She did her work,Planned her attack and slept.

*next day*

Yn woke up, freshed up and went down.

Jin- Where do you think you are going yn?
Yn- Where do YOU think I am going?
Jin- Dont you remember rules?
Yn- Like I am gonna follow them?
V- Just tell us otherwise...
Yn- Like you can stop me? Nah!

Yn ran to car. She was already wearing mafia clothes underneath her business clothes. She removed her business clothes in car , wore a wig and went to mansion for mission.

Now she became a boy "Jack". And other members in house were just boiling in anger.

Jin- We will see her later. We have a mission with jack! Get ready!
Rm- Oh yeah!
Jimin- Damn I forgot about that!
Jin- Okay fast get ready!


Jack- *Entered the mansion* Maids!
Maid 1- Yes sir ?
Jack- I want food I am hungry!
Maid 2 - Ok sir!

*After some mins*

Maid1- There's your food sir!
Jack- Ok!

Jack was impatient. He Dont like to wait.

Jack- I am telling if they got late anymore I am gonna kill them.

*bell rings*

Maids open the door. They bow to bangpink and saw jack sitting on the sofa.

Jin- Hi!
Jack- You are late!
Rm- Sorry! We were just preparing!
Jack- You are 15 mins late and You know I dont like to wait!!
Jin- We are really sorry!
Jack- Hmm. Let me explain you the plan sit down!

Jack started explaining the plan.

Jisoo- *Interupts* Can I ask something jack?
Jack- Sure go ahead!
Jisoo- Why do you sound like a girl?
Jack- *irritated* Why do YOU sound like a monkey?
Jisoo- *embarrassed*
Bangpink except Jisoo- *trying to hold their laugh*
Jisoo- *glares*
Jack- Anyways! Lets continue!

Jack explains rest of plan.

Jack- Any questions? RELATED to the plan?
All- No!
Jack- Ok! Prepare yourself!

What will be the mission? Will bangpink ever get to know about yn? Will they accept her as their sister?

Author- Have you ever seen this much cool and savage yn?
Readers- NO!
Author- See I made one!!

Okie bye lovelies!

To be continued.....

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