Chapter 15

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I had no plans of uploading a new part but bcz of one of my reader Avachick I am posting it!! 💜💜

Author's pov-

Lisa- Ok now stop crying sweetie.
Yn- Ok unnie!
Lisa- You wanna eat ice cream?
Yn- Yess!!
Lisa- C'mon lets go!
Yn- Yay!!

They went out to eat icecream.

Lisa- Which flavour do you want?
Yn- Chocolate!
Lisa- Ok!

They ate ice cream and went home.

Jin- Now where were you both?
Lisa- We went to eat ice cream!
Jennie- With this bitch?
Yn- Yes! With this bitch bcz no one wants to go with a ghost like you!
Lisa- *trying to hold back laugh*
Jennie- *angry*
Yn- Good night unnie!
Lisa- Good night sweetie!
Jisoo- You accepted her?
Lisa- Yes!
Rose- Why?
Lisa- She is not that bad. The things you are doing you will regret bcz she is behaving like this cause she is broken from inside. Dont do these things and accept her.
Jimin- Yeah yeah whatever.
Jin- Tomorrow mom and dad are coming back! We gotta behave good.
V- Ugh!

*next day*

Yn's pov-

I woke up with buzz of alarm. I remembered today mom and dad are coming back. I got freshen up and wore something casual.

I went to kitchen. I woke up early cause I wanted to make breakfast for my mom and dad.

Lisa- Morning yn!
Yn- Morning unnie!
Lisa- What are you doing ?
Yn- I am making breakfast! Mom and dad are coming back na!
Lisa- Ok!!
Yn- Where are you going?
Lisa- I am going to gym.
Yn- Woah!ok!

She went to gym. I made breakfast. Everyone came down.

V- See our servant is making breakfast!
Jimin- Good for her!
Yn- *sighs*

Suddenly I heard knock on the door so I opened it excitedly. I saw mom and dad standing at the door. I hugged mom tightly.

Yn- Mom! I missed you so much!
Mom- I missed you too sweetie!
Yn- Hi dad!!
Dad- Hello sweetie!
Mom- Let us come in!
Yn- oh yeah! Come!

After that bangpink met their father and huuged him.

Mom- Sweetie we have a surprise for you!
Yn- For me?
Dad- yes!
Yn- What it is? Ice cream? I would be happy!
Mom- The thing we are gonna give you will bring back your TRUE happiness!
Yn- hu??
Mom- Come in!
???- Hi crime partner!
Yn- Crime partner?

I looked towards the the direction. And it was like my whole world stopped.

Yn- *tearing up* a- ann- annie?
Annie- Yes crime partner!
Yn- *started crying* b- but I - thought-
Annie- I left you forever? Nah! Will I go from this world without teasing you?
Yn- *goes to her and hugs her tightly* *crying hardly* Y- you a- are so-so *coughs* bad! Yo- you l- left m-me alone i-in t-this cruel w- world!
Annie- I am sorry promise I will never leave you again!
Jin- Mom who is she?
Mom- She is Annie. Yn's twin sis. Yn is 5 mins older than her. She disapperead after my ex husband's death without any clue. Turns out she has been living in a house with kidnappers. We handed those kidnappers to police and got her back!!
But - My yn , she was broken from the day annie left her. She got cold with everyone. She was heartbroken. When annie disappeared yn didnt even ate anything for a week and got weak which caused her to faint. She raised her courage and started training of becoming a mafia. She killed the person who murdered her dad. But she chooses not to become a mafia(lies about the mafia thing)
Jin- Really? She has gotten through this much?
Mom- Yes!

Yn- I will not let you leave me!!
Annie- *chuckles* Who are They? *in sign language*
Yn - Omg! You still remember this??
Annie- Yes! How can I forget?now answer me!
Yn- They are your step brothers and sisters and yeah they dont know we are mafias. *in sign language*
Annie- Ok!But they are - *in sign language*
Yn- Yeah they are Black devil  members I know! *in sign language*
Mom- *clears throat* You are forgetting I know sign language too!
Yn- He He!
Rm- Sign language?
Mom- Yes! They talk in sign language when they want to talk in private.

Annie came back in Yn's life. Will bangpink ever accept both of them??

To be continued.....

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