Chapter 23

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Jisoo- *clenched her jaw in anger*
Jimin- Ugh! Why do annie trust you but not us??
Yn- At company!
Jimin- *grabs her hair* You -
Rm- Jimin stop!!
Jimin- But -
Jimin- *let go her hair*
Yn- Give them some manners too! *coldly* Good night oppas   and unnies!
Jisoo- We are not your unnies!
Yn- I am not saying anything to u adopted shit!
Jisoo- *angry*
Lisa- Good night!!

Yn went to annie's room.

Yn- *smiles and sits beside her* I am glad atleast I can protect you from this cruel world. I dont care if they believe me or not, I dont give a shit how they treat me! But it matters when they treat you wrong . you came to me after a long time I will not loose you again ever!!

Yn lays beside her and drifts to sleep. She thought annie was sleeping but she was awake listening everything, she even heard the conversation she did downstairs.

Annie- *smiles* I will always trust you! No matter what!!

Annie too drifted to sleep.

*next day*

Annie and yn came downstairs for breakfast.

Annie- Good morning Everyone!
Everyone- Good morning annie!

Yn said nothing just sat on sofa and started eating breakfast with her famous cold expressions.

After breakfast they went towards their cars.

Jennie- Will you go with us partner??
Annie- I am not your partner! Only yn calls me partner and yeah you guys ruin the day so I would hate to come with u!
Yn- Partner lets go!!
Annie- Ok!!
Jennie- Do you even know how to drive??
Yn- Better than u!! And yeah do you even know how to shut your FUCKING mouth up?
Jennie- *rolls eyes*
Yn- Lets go!
Annie- Ok! *smirks*

Yn and Annie went to their car. Yn started driving.

Annie- Yn!
Yn- Hmm!
Annie- Partner!!
Yn- Yes partner??
Annie- Can I have ice cream today??
Yn- No!
Annie- But why??
Yn- Cuz you ate it yesterday also!!
Annie- Pleaseeeee *pleading eyes*
Yn- Ok fine.
Annie- Yay Yay!! Thanks you are the best!!
Yn- *smiles*

At university-

They both had different classes so they went into their classes.

Yn sat on The last bench. Teacher came and started teaching. After 15 mins a boy came in class panting heavily.

??- Sorry I am late!
Teacher- Yunjin! You are never late!!
Yunjin- Sorry! Actually my brother came with me and he is also late cuz he is new and he woke up late so sorry!!
Teacher- Its the first time so its ok!! But there is no seat for you! Hmm. Ok! You go sit with yn!
Yunjin - Ha? I??
Teacher- Yeah u!
Yunjin- O-ok!

Yunjin's pov-

Me with yn? Its the girl I have been noticing since first day and today I will sit with her?? Nonono!! I will ugh!!!

Yunjin- Ha?I?
Teacher- Yeah u!
Yunjin- O-ok!

I went and sat beside her. She was quiet all the time and didnt bothered much. But one thing I noticed was she was upset about something ! What can it be?? Oh I also saw her sis! Maybe she is in my brother's class? But one thing more! She is absolutely gorgeous.

Her side profile was the thing I was just admiring. It looked like an angel was dropped from heaven!

Yn- Dont admire me too much! I am a devil disguised in angel's face!!
Yunjin- I....
Yn- Dont worry I cant read minds but everyone say this to me!
Yunjin- Oh I... *nervous*

How do I talk to her?? My heart is going boom boom!! What should I do??

Yunjin- I am Yunjin! Nice to meet u!
Yn- I am yn! Nice to meet u too!!
Yunjin- Are you really a devil disguised in angel's face??
Yn- *chuckles* So I was thinking right!
Yunjin- Will you be my friend??
Yn- So sudden but I will accept that!
Yunjin- Thanks! I have no friends!
Yn- You have now!!
Yunjin- oh yeah!!

In annie's class-

A handsome black silky haired boy stood at the door panting heavily wearing a baggy tshirt and sweatpants looking extremely hot caught annie's attention.

??- I am sorry I am late!
Teacher- Are you new??
??- Yes.
Teacher- You are late at the first day young man!
??- Sorry but this will not happen again!
Teacher- Ok! Introduce yourself!
??- Hi everyone! I am kim jun so! Or you can call me jun so! I am your new class mate!
Teacher- Ok jun so go sit with annie!

To be continued.....

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