Chapter 26

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She went to her room.

Annie- Should I call Ynie? I am missing her!

She decided to call her.

On call -

Yn- Hey partner! I was waiting for your call!
Annie-. .......
Yn- What happened? They said something to you? Did they hurt you? Tell me??
Annie- I miss you!
Yn- Me too. But did they hurt you?
Annie- No. I just heard something.
Yn- What??
Annie- You knew that? *tears*
Yn- But what? Pls dont cry tell me!!

She tells her the things she heard standing outside the meeting room.

Yn- What the actual Fuck??
Annie- You knew that? *More tears escaped*
Yn- I..... Yes...
Annie- Why is it like this?? Why am I not only belonging to you and mom? Why I belong to these monsters who hurt you?? Why am I adopted By mom?? Why I belong to these monsters who have hurt you this much!
Yn- You were adopted By mom. Thats TRUE but I didnt knew you were sister of bangpink.
Annie- I cant understand....
Yn- You are still thinking about that scars. Dont think much partner. I am not your real sister for sure. You should be happy that you got bangpink cuz this bitch was not able to protect you from a fucking shot but I guarantee they will protect you forever. I saw how much they love and care for you.
Annie- No! I dont wanna live with them like this. They have to treat you right and I will treat them right. And you are not bitch ! You protected me from getting stabbed in the fight. You took shots for me you did so many things for me and you said you didnt protected me!? *tears*
Yn- No dont cry! Pls dont cry! And what do you mean by treating them right??
Annie- I.... I am cold with them. Maybe I am hurting them. I also said no to the things they bought.
Yn- Annie..... I know They hurt me but they love u and there is nothing wrong in it. I am not your and their real sister so Why will they treat me right.
Annie- They will.....
Yn- What?
Annie- They will treat u right cuz I love u and if I love you there is no chance they are gonna hurt you ever again I promise you. I am coming for ya bangpink. Just taste this coldness.
Yn- Annie no! Pls no. Listen-
*hangs up*

Yn- Fuck!! Idk what will she do!! I should call mom.

On call -

Yn- Mom listen... *tells everything*
Mom- What!!
Yn- Yes. You knew about that??
Mom- Yes!!
Yn- Tell me everything from start.
Mom- Ok... *explains everything*
Yn- Wait if I am also not your child then?
Mom- When I got married, it was time to have kids but I got a shocking news that I cant have kids cuz of some problem. Then I adopted you both. I dont remember they said you were not with annie. Annie and you were sisters.
Yn- I- if i-am n-not yo- your c-child does t-that mean....
Mom- Yes...

Yn hangs up the phone. She started crying. She called annie and told everything.

Annie- What??!
Yn - Yes..
Annie- Atleast we are real sisters.
Yn - Hmm...
Annie- We will talk about that When Mom and dad comes home....

??- Sorry sir. I will try to find out till tmrw. Pls give me one more day.
??- Ok just one more day...

To be continued.....

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