Chapter 34

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Author's pov-

Annie- Lets go partner.
Yn- Hmm.
Annie- Why are you not talking to us??
Yn- We are going to a important work not to a family reunion. *extremely cold*
Annie- Ok...

They reached at their company. They both were shocked to see so much security that was not theirs but instead of their enemies.

??- Well well well!! See who we have here!!
Yn- You again??
Annie- Jinwon what do u want?? *cold*
Jinwon- Revenge!!
Yn- *evil laugh* You think u can get that??
Jinwon- Sure!!See this security will kill u!
Yn- Aww! In your dreams!! *smirks*
Jinwon- Wait why are you smirking??
Yn- Hahhhah! You think u can get easily with it?? *psychopathic energy*
Jinwon- What could you possibly do?
Yn- This!!

She fires a bullet on his leg and he laid down groaning in pain.

Jinwon- What are u guys watching?? Finish her!!
Yn- Hahhahahhhaaa!! *psychopathic laugh*

Instead his men pointed guns at him.

Jinwon- What??
Yn- Ready to die ??
Annie- *smirks*
Yn- Well Dont fully kill him I have to stab him too! 20 times? 30?40? Nah 50 is better? Or maybe a 80 times ? Right Jinwon??
Jinwon- Ahh! Are you mad??
Yn- And remember how you stabbed my best friend?? You dont right?? You stabbed her 10 times! I will stab you 80 times so that you can remember that scene!! *psychopath laugh* Lets go annie we have some work! And men take him to our precious previous home basement! His brother is there too fighting with death! Aww! Not death but a heavy punishment!

The men shoot him on his legs and took him to basement.

Annie- Lets go partner!


News reporter- This is live scene of the company named 'Mafia bosses' is going viral. Here yn and annie are protecting their company from scandals but on the other hand people are hating Jinwon. And some are hating yn. There is message from yn to you all!
Yn- Hi! This is yn! *evil laugh* You saw everything right?? Even the police! The media!! Everyone? Now report it like this and get blasted like this!!

She was standing out of a police station holding a remote and a person handcuffed who reported against her. She presses the button and boom the police station blew away.

Yn- This is why you should never mess with me! Bye!!

*at mansion*

Jin- Did she really just blew up the police station??
Jimin- huh?? How she is even doing that??
V- What is happening I cant understand anything!!
Jennie- Same here!
Rm- Is she a psychopath?
Jin- We dont know.

At company-

Annie- Partner how you did this?
Yn- *laughs* Before all this incident happened I was working in our mafia mansion as Jack when Jinwon came to meet me. He told me this plan cuz he wanted to take revenge from me. *laughs* Idiot talking about me to take revenge on to me. *laughs* I knew he would do this so I said ok to take revenge with him on yn! I sent my men and now Jinwon was shocked what happened when Jack's means my men pointed gun at him! *laughs*
Annie- Ohh!! *laughs* Silly Jinwon!!

To be continued......

Sorry guys for short chapter and not posting for one day I was sick! Now I am all good so I will update everyday! 💖💖

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