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The scolding I got from my mother took me back to my freshman and sophomore years of college. But her complaints and scolds aren't as hurtful now that I'm nearly thirty. I do admit that this was on me. I should have called at least once this week. Or left a note. I did go home for a few hours two days this week. I think trying to push down the painful memories since I was at that wedding has taken up too much time and focus.

However, she went on about a blind date this weekend and my eyes went wide. I tried to look for an excuse but she insisted so much. My mother is a fun person to be around until she demands something. I still don't know how she does it. She practically made me clear up my schedule on the weekend to go on this stupid date.

I tell Cristina about this and she does a warm chuckle. I click my tongue at her with annoyance as I cross my arms on my chest. "Easy for you to laugh. You don't have to worry about a crazy mother and you have a boyfriend now!"

"Life does not get better there," she says. "My mother wants to have dinner with him already and my sisters drive me crazy with questions about him. The nagging will get even worse. Trust me."

"But at least you like him..." I let out a soft sigh and looked at the profile picture of this the blind date. Cristina peeks over when she goes to organize some files on a shelf. She gasps and I look up at her with raised brows.

"Girl! He's a firefighter! Your wish will come true! Now you can check it off your list!"

I scoff at her excited words and furrow my brows. "I'm not going to marry him. I could care less if he's a firefighter or not!"

"I thought you wanted to marry a paramedic or a firefighter."

"When I was twenty years old. Now I'm trying to avoid men in general."

She sits by my side on the couch with a playful smile. "That's not true. You and Dr. Kim seem to be closer now..."

I continue to read his profile as I say, "But he's different."

"Is he not a man?"

"What I mean is that he's like Daniel for me in college. They're the only men I can tolerate and do not-"

That's when an idea comes into mind and I turn to Cristina. She seems surprised by my epiphany as I say, "Let's go out this weekend. I'll just make up an excuse. I'll say you needed my help and I could not just leave you alone."

Cristina does a chuckle at my epiphany and her expression turns sad. "I'm sorry, hun. I can't this weekend. I'm going out on my first real date with Andrew since we became a thing. Maybe you could ask to scrub in a surgery?"

"No. My mom knows I cleared my schedule here. She will know I'm trying to avoid this. You suck."

Cristina dramatically sighs. "I know. I should just break up with Andrew. What am I even thinking? You're the real love of my life."

She takes out her phone and my eyes grow wide. I take her phone and say, "What are you doing? Stop being dramatic."

She giggles and says, "So what will you do? Will you run away or go to this date? I'll join you if you run away."

I look at the profile picture and let out a tired sigh. I don't have time for this. I should be studying or even resting for once. "I guess I'll go to this blind date. Free food, right?"

"Unless he makes you pay."

"That'll be embarrassing for him."

"Why don't you go out with someone else?"

"What do you mean?"

She shrugs. "Just go out with Yujun then. You two seem to hit it off well and you've known each other for a while."

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now