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I should have woken up when Leanne was shaking me. I step out with an embarrassed look when I finally answer the many missed calls from Mr. Hernandez and Danny.

Danny is waiting for me at the lobby and his face lights up when I give him a quick hug. "I'm so sorry, Danny! I was so tired and the time change--"

"That's alright, Emma," he sweetly says as he takes my hand. "Let's get you something to eat first. I'm glad you rested well."

I can't help but blush at his sweet words and intertwine my fingers with his. "Thanks for waiting. What happened with Mr. Hernandez? Is he okay?"

"He decided to reside in his room for now. But we went to get breakfast and hung out. We got to chat a little bit about the tech department. He's confident the meeting will go well. He hopes it will."

"He was very upset to hear that you might get fired. He did fight for you back in the States. He says you're gifted."

His smile does not reach his eyes and he quickly changes the subject. "What are you craving?"

"Surprise me!"

"Okay. There are a few options we can--"

He goes on about different areas we can visit and activities that could help us pass the time this weekend. He excitedly takes me to his favorite restaurant and I admire this side of him. We have gone on small dates, but this trip feels different. We are seeing more to each other than the professionalism and dedication. We can be free and forget the pain we are trying so hard to fight.

It's funny to see him by my side outside of work. It's odd to see him as my boyfriend now. He still has the sweet childish smile I met him with in high school. His dark eyes still sparkle whenever he geeks out about something. I used to find this kind of personality annoying, but all I can do now is giggle and quietly listen to him.

His mind is a mess but so mechanically formed as well. He's quite amusing. He always seems to surprise me. It's what I like the most about him. He does or says things that he doesn't seem to realize and it makes me laugh. Every time, he does a smile that shows dimples and his eyes shine with happiness.

However, I've noticed that he tries to avoid any subject regarding our big meeting. I know he is nervous. I hope he knows that he does not have to protect my heart. I'd rather hear his.

So I go back to the bench he was waiting at as I called my sister to check on her. She seems to be having fun with her doctor friend. With a relieved heart, I sit next to Danny as he hangs up the phone.

"That was Mr. Hernandez," he says. "I wanted to make sure he was okay. He went to the mall."

"Oh okay. I feel bad that we kind of ditched him."

"I asked him if he wanted to join us and I think he was shy."

I link my arm with his and give him a warm smile. "That's okay. I'd rather have alone time with you today so we can all go out tomorrow after the meeting."

There it is again. The hint of sadness in his eyes as he does a small nod. "Right."

I peek at him and it feels like I'm trying to gently poke at a child to tell me the truth. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

He does a small shrug as his eyes go to the ground. "I guess."

"Do you think you will get fired?"

I'm surprised to see him shake his head. "I don't think I will get fired. Mr. Jung was very angry at me but he really wants to expand his business. He can't lose this opportunity."

"And our business can't afford losing a brain like yours," I playfully say with hope to lighten the mood. But he only does a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes and I give his shoulder a bump. "Don't worry, Danny. Everything will be alright. You always tell me that. Believe in yourself a little."

He lets my words sink in and I know he wants to say something. He hesitates and steals a glance at me. I make sure to give him an attentive expression so he can find the courage to speak up.

He does a small sigh and says, "I won't be able to work with you anymore..."

I furrow my brows at this. "What do you mean? Of course, you will!"

"I will but not with you. I won't be by your side anymore. I'll stay in the tech department. I can't be your partner in crime anymore."

Once again, I'm surprised at the reason he has been so sad about the situation. He is genuinely upset and I don't know what to say at first. I watch him let his eyes fall as he says, "You know...they're right. I should stay where I belong and I never fought that. I knew I could be comfortable staying within the walls of an office filled with computer screens. I am happy there! I am useful!"

His expression has lighten a little at those words until he looks into my eyes and says, "But with you, I felt like I could do more. For once, I felt like I could be more than just a computer geek. I could actually be kind and interact with others to create an impact. I felt like a real person with each child I talked to. I could relate and I was brave with you. But I got a little too excited, didn't I?"

He does a nervous chuckle and looks back at the ground with almost a shy expression. For some reason, my heart has shrunk at his deep thoughts and I am humbled by the way he has been impacted during his time as my partner.

I take his hand and his eyes show a hint of surprise. I give him a warm smile and say, "You are more than just a computer genius. You are a perfect piece of the puzzle we are trying to complete for a child's broken dream."

His eyes soften and I slightly turn so I can give him some determination back. "I loved having you by my side. I will miss you, too. But if your gift is best used on a keyboard, then I would much rather you stay in that department. We all have a special place in this team. The goal is to help children and families. If you could contribute best with that mind of yours in the tech department, then I would rather see you there. Don't ever think you are less than anyone. You have a special gift. It's time to show the world what you're made of. I may work on stage but your job behind the scenes helps the show start."

I point at his chest and say, "Being a real person isn't with the actions you do. It starts here. The heart. Kindness starts small and it lingers. No matter what you do, kindness lingers. You are brave enough to work in a field like this. You have been brave a long time ago, Danny. The moment you found your new family and chose to look for your gift. Don't ever be ashamed of that."

His eyes sparkle again and I smile at the pretty stars in his expression. The skies reflects in his dark eyes but it disappears when his lips suddenly crash into mine. I chuckle when he pulls away too soon and say, "I see that you understood my inspirational words. I'm glad you got it."

"I'm sorry," he says with a childish smile. "You said to not hesitate next time. My heart just fluttered at your words and I wanted to kiss you."

I laugh at his silly words and say, "Good. You're a fast learner. I like that."

"It's a quality of a top notch brain." He playfully points at his temple and I chuckle. This time, I close the distance and he lets me stay there a little longer.

I wonder if he has dated before. Of all the guys I have dated, he has to be the best kisser. Who would have known that the same nerd that sat next to me in the class I hated the most would be a man that can make my heart soar without even trying.

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now