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I wonder...

Why didn't I recognize him the first time I looked into his eyes? All I could see were those dark eyes shining with passion and hope when he looked up at me in the surgery room. My heart had been made of ice and its walls were too tall to even peek at him.

But now...I look into his eyes and those walls turn transparent and my heart of ice began to crack. All those shattered pieces are forgotten and they don't hurt anymore every time I share a laugh with him.

I forgot that I could survive my hardest times in medical school because of him. He left a spark in my heart to continue this long journey and now that we are done, those sparks become a spotlight for our hidden hearts. It's a beautiful sight.

We went out to eat at his favorite restaurant and I happily ate my favorite dish, Bibimbap. It's even better in South Korea. At first, I kept quiet and only listened. There was a familiar fear in my chest that made me hesitate with him. But then I realized that the man he was back then had not changed. He stayed the same man who taught my heart to relax a little.

So I finally did.

I let him lead me to different parts of Seoul. We went to a mall and I enjoyed slowly walking through each store with awe. How is everything so beautiful here? He then came out with an outfit and my eyes went wide with surprise. When did he leave my side and change into a whole new outfit?

His grin is wide and playful as he pretends to pose. That was my first loud laugh with him. I covered my mouth with surprise and embarrassment as he continued to do poses.

"Oh my gosh!"

"I know right?" he says as he checks himself in the mirror. "Everything looks good on me. Oh wow! I'm blind just looking in the mirror at such beauty!"

I continued to laugh. He reminded me of my father with such silly words. I shook my head with a giggle and he gave me a salute before walking back to change into his original clothes. My heart was still bubbly as I waited for him just outside and an employee comes up to me with a kind smile.

"Will he be getting those clothes?"

"Oh, I don't think so," I say. "He was just trying them out."

"I see. What a shame," she says was longing eyes. "He's so handsome. Anything would look good on him." She walked away before she could see me roll my eyes and scoff.

"Handsome, my foot."

We walked through the rest of the mall and I bought a few things to bring back to my parents and Cristina. He then took me to a popular candy shop to get ice cream. I chuckled at the way he always remembers how to make my heart light with my favorite dessert. He sweetly gives me the cup of ice cream and we walk together down a beautiful park. It's cold but my usual shivers don't appear today because of the warmth by his side.

We walked for a moment in silence until I said, "Is that the only presentation you had for the conference?"

He nodded and said, "I'm glad because I get to spend more time relaxing."

I did a small snigger and said, "I still can't believe you made me ask questions."

"Hey! I didn't make you. I just opened the floor and you raised your hand. You could have stayed quiet."

"You were practically burning your eyes through me!"

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were! You even stopped a whole second to look at me! I didn't want you to be embarrassed for the silence so I stood up."

He laughed at my shrug and shook his head. "No no. I know you are so competitive. I knew you wanted to give me hard questions to make me hesitate, but guess what?" He leaned towards me so I could see his playful eyes closer for a second that left me breathless. "You don't scare me!"

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now