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I finally felt like a weight had lifted from my chest.

I give Danny the amazing news that my parents have approved a dinner with him. He happily grinned and nodded. "We can do this! I promise I'll make you proud!"

My heart melted and I didn't care who was around. I jumped in his arms with happiness and he was surprised at first. But my excitement made his muscles relax and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. He even lifted me a little and did a small turn.

I won't let this one go. This one is different. This one is real...

I told Lisa all about that night and she laughed at the part when I started to sob. "Girl. You're a teddy bear. You have such a soft heart. It's cute."

I slapped her arm, and she laughed knowing that I hate being considered soft. But I do have to admit that people just trigger that spot in me and I'm not mad about it. Especially when it's the kids or Danny.

This week seems to have gotten better after letting my parents know about Danny. He came to visit our place on the day I finally found a home for Jordan until we finalize the situation with her parents. She was quiet and scared but she looked at my warm smile. She found strength in my warmth and she let go of my hand. So quickly and quietly. My heart shrank for her, but she seemed relieved to be away from the facility. All a child wants is a home. It's an honor to be someone to make their dreams come true.

She turned to wave at me but her eyes went wide. I was surprised at first and I thought something was wrong. But then she ran past me and I turned to see Danny standing farther away. His eyes sparkled with happiness as Jordan ran into his arms. He lifted her and she squealed with happiness. Tears lingered at the edge of my eyes at the scene. She made him promise that he would visit her. He made a small mistake. He promised...

But knowing Danny, he will do anything in his power to accomplish that promise. It's what helped me put those walls down in my heart and turn soft at the touch of his hand. My heart flutters when I enter my house with him. Leanne was there earlier to help my mother clean the house and cook. They all greeted him with such warmth and happiness. Kayla gave me a smirk and I gave the back of her head a small slap.

My father stopped in front of him and that was the moment of truth. He studied him from head to toe as Danny gave him a respectful bow. I knew he was nervous, but I kept my own nerves quiet to give him strength. He introduced himself and then gave my father a strong handshake.

My father then smiled a little and nodded as he returned his handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Danny. What is your Korean name so we can call you by that instead."

My muscles relaxed as Danny's soft smile returned to his expression and I gave him a proud nod. My mother gave me a quick glance and then a small nod of approval. My heart soared at that point and I let Leanne put an arm around her shoulders with a carefree chuckle.

What would I do without them? My family. They're truly the best thing that has happened to me. It's a worthy cause to fight for. This is what every child should experience despite the long days and mistakes.

My father was so chatty with Danny. It was funny to see them interact. They are kind of similar except Danny is more shy. But there was a point where my father asked me to get more meat for them since the conversation was going so well. My mother tried making small talk, too. She is more observant like Leanne. She picks up every gesture he does and she can see right through us. But she seems to approve.

Then Danny suddenly mentioned our Korea trip and my eyes grew wide. Of course, I forgot to tell him that they didn't know about that. But my father hid his surprise well and my mother only gave me a quick glare before smiling back at Danny.

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now