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"Your birthday is coming soon."

I nod with a small smile as I continue to walk in a marketplace with Yujun. "Yes it is. There's still a few weeks left though. You have time to think of a present."

He laughs and nods. "What would you like, Ms. Nam?"

I look at his glistening eyes that reflect his peaceful heart. "I only accept cash as presents." He does another gentle laugh at my teasing smile and my heart has never felt so relieved.

I am yet to understand this power he has but it's what made my heart let him in during medical school. Even after our longest and hardest days, he always knew how to make me smile again. His silliness wasn't annoying as much as I said it out loud. His charismatic personality was always so refreshing and his gentle seriousness made me feel almost...safe.

My heart skips a beat and I quickly clear my throat. "I'm just kidding. You don't have to get me anything." I take out one of the hard candies he brought for me and pop it in my mouth. "Your sweet treats are enough for me."

His smile turns warm and he gestures at an antique store. "Would you like to go in?"

He knows me too well. I give him a small exited nod and he opens the door for me. I feel like a child in a toy store as I slowly walk around and admire all the things in display. He stays close by and I like it that way. When I feel that he has left, it's suddenly so cold and I look up for him. He's always nearby and shows me something he has found with a playful grin.

I chuckle at one of the things he tries to grab but the lady at the cash register firmly tells him to stop grabbing things. His smile disappears and he quickly does an apologetic look. "I'm sorry." The lady gives him one last frown before walking off.

I go up to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder as his eyes shine with embarrassment. "Stop touching things, Yujun," I playfully whisper. "How many times must I tell you this? Every single time!"

He quietly chuckles and leans closer to my ear. "But Mom!"

I step back with a laugh and try my hardest to ignore the lingering warmth on my face. He was so close. Too close and it scares me that my heart did not pound. It eagerly awaits for his next step...

My eyes suddenly find something sparkle from behind his shoulders. I nearly gasp when I see that beautiful crystal rose on the top of a shelf. He furrows his brows with confusion at my awe but I walk past him and look up at the rose. It's so far away but my heart has fallen in love.

I tip toe and try to reach until Yujun easily takes it for me. He carefully puts it in my hands and I admire its beauty. "This is beautiful!"

"It's very shiny."

"This would look amazing on my desk," I say with a sigh.

"Why don't you get it then?"

I check the price under the crystal and gasp. Yujun takes the rose and checks the price. He chuckles and nods. "Worthy price for such a beauty."

"I know and it's even worse that I'm no longer a sad, poor student."

Yujun laughs and says, "Let me get it for you. As a birthday gift."

"Hey," I say with a playful frown. "I said I only accept cash. It's okay. I'll get it!"

Yujun does not argue with me and lets me happily buy it as he takes the rose to the front. I gently hold the wrapped rose with a leaping heart as we step out and let out a contented sigh. "Thanks for taking me there. It was like love at first sight! I looked at it and I knew immediately that this would be mine."

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now