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We finally arrived back home. Being in Korea was fun but truly I was made for the States. Now I understand Danny when he says this is his home.

Leanne has been quiet. The last hangout with Dr. Kim seemed to have left her thoughtful. She looks out the window with a distant expression until I try to catch her attention. It takes me a few tries for her to look back at me.


"Do you want to get something to eat? Danny and I wanted to get Chinese food."

Danny turns from the passenger seat to give my sister his childish smile. But my sister gives him a small smile and shakes her head. "I'm okay. Thank you. Go ahead without me. I need to get some rest before a surgery tomorrow morning."

"That sounds awful," I playfully say but she continues to look out the window in silence.

Whatever is happening to her, I'm sure I'll hear of it soon enough. Today, I have my own drama to deal with at work when I chat with my boss about the email he received from Mr. Jung.

"I think it's a good idea he sends another to look after him. We can't trust him anymore. Mr. Hernandez will be giving me a report of him every now and then as well."

My heart shrinks hearing how quickly Danny has lost his trust from others. For the first time, I speak my mind to my boss and say, "He is still a gifted man and a very essential part of the team. It won't be hard to gain your trust again."

My boss furrows his brows at me for a moment and I quickly straighten my shoulders so he does not hear my heart fluttering at the thought of Danny. He gives me a scoff and says, "Have you turned soft, Ms. Nam?"

"Soft?!" I say with a playful grin so he does not see right through me. "Never."

I start out his office but his booming voice stops me at the door as he says, "Careful now. I don't want you falling in love, Ms. Nam."

Those words...the mock makes my hands turn into fists. I carefully furrow my brows as I turn back to him and there's a hint of surprise at my sudden firmness. But he hides his fear with a grin as if his joke was funny.

"Interesting comment coming from the CEO of a company that does not tolerate stereotypes and discrimination. In that includes, sexism, sir. Not just racism."

His brows slightly rise at my words and he does a laugh that hides his nerves. Because of it, I give him a hint of a smirk so I don't risk getting his intense hatred from my first years of work. We are finally understanding each other. I already have enough stress about Jordan's case that I don't need another thing getting on my last nerve every day.

My boss clears his throat and shakes his head. "What are you insinuating, Ms. Nam? What CEO breaks his own rules? I did not know you were so sensitive with those kinds of jokes. You think you know someone..."

He tries to disregard the uncomfortable atmosphere he has created but I shove it off for my own sake for now. I give him a soft scoff and say, "I'm glad you are getting to know me well as your second. But something you should have always known from the start is that I always keep my work life and private life separated. I trust that my boss is aware of this and does not need to give me indirect jokes like that."

He looks up from pretending to be busy again and does an amused scoff. "You are a woman who does not waste her breath. I respect you for that. Let's hope that our new team member respects and tolerates your attitude like I do."

I let out a soft laugh. "Don't worry, sir. They will have no choice."

"Oh trust me. I know."

When we once were directly hating each other, I suppose this odd rivalry has become indirect. However, I leave his office with a confident stride knowing that he at least knows my ability to stand my ground and defend my case. Some may call it stubborn but I like to see it as a weapon. At least for this career.

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now