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Not another court day.

I'm so glad I did not follow my father's wishes and became a lawyer.

"I can't stand people these days. Why are people so annoying, unnie?"

Leanne continues to nod in understanding as she finishes her lunch. I can finally have time with her. She seemed to have recovered from that tough surgery and now gives me some of her time to get lunch with me. Today, she does not wear her scrubs though. She said she had to go to the clinic today to cover for a colleague on surgical consultations.

"I completely agree with you. This is why I don't have my own clinic yet. I'm not ready to deal with people all day like that. I'd rather just cut you and leave."

"Don't you have to consult with patients anyway?"

"Yes, but at least I do it at the hospital. It's less dreading."

"Unnie," I playfully say. "You should put up your own facility already!"

"I can't yet. I'm just a sad fellow."

I laugh and say, "I don't know what that means but it's okay. You're still so young. We're still young!"

She chuckles at my words and nods. "Yes, well...I suppose we can go conquer the world first and then put our own facilities."

"That's what I'm talking about! We should go travel soon, unnie. Where should we go? We already went to South Korea. Let's go to Japan next."

"It's prettier in the spring. How about Switzerland?"

She notices my playful tone and her cheeks puff up with happiness. "Yes! We have to go paragliding, of course! Let's take Cristina, too. It's on your guys' to-do list. Oh! We can go with our boys!"

She lets out an amused scoff. "What is it? A double date? Ew. Don't include me in that."

"Why? You can bring Yujun."

"Ha! No, thank you. He'll ruin the trip. Plus, Mom and Dad would kill us for going on a trip with 'the boys.' Especially since you haven't told them about Danny yet." I gasp with a wince. She rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Don't give me that. You know all too well what you're doing."

"Unnie! I'm scared, okay?! I cannot tell them now!"

"Just tell them! You'll get beat up if you don't say anything! You know Mom! She'll eventually find out. It's better if they find out through you."

"I know I'll get beat up anyway. I need you to be there when I tell them. Come for dinner soon. They're always in a good mood when you're home."

"Yes. I was going tomorrow night anyways."

"Deal! I'll tell them then."

"If you don't, I'll beat you up."

"Yes yes. Don't worry!"

"I do! You hide everything from them! Like that time--"

"Shush! What if they have spies even in this clinic?!"

She laughs and shakes her head. "You're more insane than they are. They're just living their best lives and you're here thinking that they're stalking you."

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were somewhere around here," I playfully say.

"Geez," Leanne says. "The world doesn't revolve around you, punk. I'll see you soon. Go find courage now."

"Hey! You punk!" She's annoying when she's trying to be funny.

I told Danny about why I was so nervous. He said I was too quiet to be okay. He knows me too well and I let out a sigh with him when I told him about my plans. He put comforting hands on my shoulders and peeked at my eyes with his childish smile.

A Melody of You: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now