★°•Requests•°★ --Closed--

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This is the requests page, I will try my best but might not be able to write every single story!
Everything has to be about Vox. It can obvs have other characters but Vox is mostly in the main focus. Because he has been my hyperfixation of sorts for the past few weeks now.

Things I will do:
-headcanons about him
-X canon character
-I love to do the weirdest ass crack ships. Vox x Lucifer. Arackniss x Niffty x Vox. I will do pretty much whatever no matter how fucking weird it is. (No Val x Angel tho. Make it crack but be within human reason)
-tame smut (i.e. it gets pretty spicy but most of their clothes stay on or whatever) I'm a sucker for this stuff mixed with fluff.
-fluff, angst, whatever you got!

Things I won't do:
-extremely weird kinks (piss, shit, age stuff, ect.)
-X Reader (there are too many already)

So only a few rules about what there will not be in the stories but uh yea have fun and feel free to request anything.
I'll probably end up closing these requests after a bit.

I have four stories prewritten that I will be releasing each day for the rest of the week.
Bye :)

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