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Buncha Vox headcanons, there's a LOT of heavy ass angst.
Triggering topics.

-When he cries, he accidently electrocutes himself, which causes him to cry more from the pain

-Had attempted before, once, and didn't think anything of it when he tried. Just a 'Huh, look at that. It didn't work.'

-Hates getting attached to people and would rather push them away then have someone he cares about

-Has an Alastor body pillow, but always has to hide it from Valentino and he cuddles with it after a bad day

-He and Velvette are absolute besties when no one's around

-He is canon Bisexual, but he probably prefers men

-Internalized homophobia, never against anyone else but just against himself


-Sometimes can be a major cynic, thinking that everyone around him only tolerates him just because he's rich and famous

-whimpers & gasps

-Has a really hard time expressing how he feels, and it often comes out as strait up anger, which is why he has anger issues

-Keeps a worn old Polaroid of Alastor in his pocket sometimes

-Gets overheating warnings when he's close and shuts down when he finishes

Human headcanons!

-Was born and raised in Denver, Colorado

-Swallowed 13 ½ Legos when he was a kid

-Had grandfather or maybe his dad was a German immigrant

-Probably had a name like Vincent or Bradley

-His father was abusive

-Had like fifty girlfriends just in highschool alone (some of them dated him multiple times) but always got bored of a relationship after like a few weeks

-Even with all the people he dated throughout his life he still never got married

-Had a moustache for a few weeks and hates it looking back; wants to tear up every picture he sees with him with a moustache

-Was the host of a very famous news channel

-Someone threw a TV out of their window (?) and Vox was walking on the sidewalk below and it landed strait on top of his head, crushing him and that's how he died.

Words: 339

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