"You taste like cheap whiskey~" 📺 x 📻 °fluff°

641 13 20

Request by soraxxloverluna
I'm sure I have over a dozen different pictures of these two being drunk together
Late 1950s!
TW: Fairly large consumption of alcohol

Hades's bar was exceptionally crowded on that particular night.
Demons everywhere, milling around at an incredibly loud volume, sitting on top of the tables and bar counter.

Vox was sitting on one of the scratched up, ratty old barstools, a cheap whiskey in his hand.

It was just like every other night for Vox. Waiting around, trying to find any way to keep himself busy as time tolled on in Hell.

His sensors scanned around the bar. Everyone was the same as ever. Wearing overly revealing clothing, being loud as fuck, taking huge puffs from their cigarettes and filling up the place with smoke. Being annoying as hell.

Except one.

Vox came to this bar almost every night, and always saw this one demon who seemed particularly interesting.
He never wore overly revealing clothing or screamed at anyone who tried to pick a fight with him or threw his drink at the wall, unlike everyone else here.

This one sinner had always held Vox's interest.
Sure, Vox had never talked to him, and he didn't even know the man's name.

But he wanted to. The man who always seemed so refined, who always looked intimidating but also calm. He always seemed very calm after having a few drinks.

Had it ever come across Vox's mind that it was weird or creepy to just watch someone like this?
Yes, but that didn't stop him in the least.

And it didn't stop him from finally having the courage to go up to the man and talk to him.

Vox, trying not to get hit by the loud, yelling, drunken, dancing people around him, made his way across the bar to over where the man was sitting.

The sinner looked as if he had already had a few drinks, sitting relaxed with a drunken blush, seeming deep in thought.
Vox had to admit that he too had drunken plenty, which might have been what drove him to finally talk to the man.

The sinner looked up as Vox approached him. He was sitting at a table in a small booth in the back of the room, happily calm with his alcohol and the entertaining chaos that surrounded him.

"....Can I help... you~...?" The man said, looking up at Vox with the grin he always wore.

Vox smiled while looking down at him, also being drunk.
"........ I noticed you aren't here with anyone else." Vox finally said, not well knowing how to start a real conversation with someone.

The sinner nodded. He was alone, yes, that part was quite obvious.

"I'm Alastor, pleasure to meet you." Alastor motioned for Vox to sit down with him.

"Vox, good to meet you too." Vox sat down next to him, careful not to spill his drink.

It didn't take long for the two to start chatting, with just simple small talk, then found their way into a deep conversation about how the sinners who are obsessed with lust are just so annoying.

They took frequent sips of their drinks, Vox ordering even more after downing his a bit too quickly.

Their chatter slightly raised in volume, but they were having a great time.

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