Extermination - 📺 + 🎸 °fluff°

494 11 40

Request by JerryTheBush
Vox x Adam crackship. Could be seen as platonic. It's not a suitable thing I myself would read. It's not my best work.

Not beta read

Vox was walking down one of the main streets.
He had just finished up a meeting, and was on his way back to the Vees tower. Clients really needed to hurry up and be on time, Vox was sick of being late because his meeting weren't on time.
And he should hurry up, Extermination was expected to come tomorrow.
Expected to.

He probably shouldn't even be out here right now. Lots of other people were, but... They were just naïve in Vox's opinion. They believed anything anyone told them. They were told Extermination would come tomorrow, but did they really know that for certain?

Most shops had already boarded up for the night, sinners equipping themselves with any form of protection, even if their efforts were inane.

Vox was half scrolling through his phone as he walked back to the Vee's tower. He didn't want to walk, he wished he could just zap there through a security camera.
But all Electronic things that didn't run on their own grid lost connection and power. Vox was glad his screen ran on its own power source, and he had made sure to charge up well last night.
So walking it was.

As he was scrolling through social media, only half paying attention to the posts, some of the posts started to seem a little weirder.
He didn't waste his time reading the full paragraph for each post and the explanation under each picture, but each one started to have a more panicked vibe.
People in photos and videos that they posted started to look more and more panicked the further he scrolled. What was going on?


Vox could hear a bell. A very loud bell, ringing out through all of the Pride ring.
It sounded all too familiar.

It sounded like the Extermination bell.

Vox looked up from his phone, glancing around frantically.
No one else was outside. Everyone had run for shelter and left the street bare.

Oh, shit.

He had to go. He had to get out of here. Vox could see the sky darkening and the Exterminations already descending in the distance. He had to get inside.
The Vees tower was too far from here, he couldn't just zap anywhere. He would have to try and find a hiding spot in a nearby shop.

Vox ran around the area, while also running away from the Exterminators, trying the doors of any shops and trying to find a place to wait out the next 24 hours.


Nothing, not one single store was open of unlocked. Every single one was boarded up locked, he couldn't even break through the windows. He tried to run around to the back of shops, looking if there was an entrance back there. If there was, they were all boarded up as well.

Maybe he could call someone to come pick him up real quick...
Vox glanced down at his phone.
Shit, it was dead. He could have set his phone down in a safe spot and just zapped into it, hiding in there till this was over. No chance of that now.

He could hide in a dumpster. That was his best chance at survival at this point.

Vox reached the back of the alley, and carefully lifted up the lid of the rusty, old dumpster and climbed in silently, pulling the lid down with him so that it didn't slam.

Luckily, the dumpster was empty,and fairly clean. He wouldn't have to hide in a trash-filled bin for twenty four hours. He just had to be silent.

But the silence he left was filled by heavy footsteps, walking down the alley. Vox could hear it, it was oddly loud.

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