Gender Dysphoria is a Bitch, and so is Valentino - 📺 x 🦋 •angst•

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TW: mentioned love bombing, mention of transphobia, mentioned use of transphobic slurs, gender dysphoria

Human AU! The characters are human, and Vox is trans masc.
So he has a human head and btw this takes place in today's times

I was so excited to write this chapter, it hits really close to home (I'm not transgender, but I've had my fair share of questioning my gender + the bouts of dysphoria over the years)

I don't headcanon him as transgender, and he's not necessarily trans in any other one shots I've made, but he is in a few even if it's not mentioned. But not all of e.


Vox tugged at his shirt. It never stayed tucked into his pants, it always slipped up and bunched.

He turned in the mirror, examining it and trying to find a way to get it to stay put.

Vox scrunched his face.
He turned to the side again, smoothing over the fabric that sat against his chest. He examined the way it looked so nice and flat in the mirror.

It had been well over a full year now since Vox finally got his top surgery, but sometimes it still felt like there was a handful of breast there.
(But here's a question: why get top surgery...if you're already a top?)

He let a sigh escape his lips, and sat down on his swiveling desk chair that he had dragged into the bathroom.

He grabbed a chunk of his hair, and looked at it.
His hair had gotten so long. It reached just past his shoulders now. didn't look right. It didn't feel like him.

He had let it grow out for too long, now it felt too "girlish" for him...

Vox eyes the pair of scissors resting on the bathroom sink counter.

He shook his head out.
No, no he shouldn't. I would look weird. Valentino is right.

But...this feeling wouldn't wash away. And it ate him from the inside out.

He didn't even feel like this was his body, even after the money he had spent to get different clothes, get a haircut, have surgery on his breasts, get his IDs changed to ones that were more correct and also looked like him...

He had felt so much better after getting it all done, finally feeling like a guy, even getting legally registered as a guy, everything.


Valentino's constant misgendering him, what he has said and still does say, how many times that man has said the T slurs...but he cared.


Valentino always said he cared... He would cuddle with Vox and tell him how much he cared. He would always do sweet and romantic things........whenever he wasn't abusing Vox or taking it too far when they fucked. Val constantly mocked Vox for not having a dick like he did.

"Heh! Even if you got bottom surgery, the doctors wouldn't be able to give you more than five inches, mi amor! And besides, daddy loves obliterating your pussy...c'mon. Dont do it anyways, it costs too much."
Valentino had told him. Vox went and cried that night, pissed off. That had only made Val more mad.

"Oh c'mon! I'm just saying facts, baby!"

Vox had rolled over in the bed and ignored him.

Vox clutched the scissors in his hand.
He had been contemplating this for weeks, but never went through with it.
Their town didn't have a barber. And Vox didn't trust anyone else with his hair.

It was something that was very specifically picky about, he didn't even let Val grab his hair whenever they had sex.

But he trusted himself.

He clutched the chunk of hair tighter, and held the scissors closer to the dark strands.


It fell to the floor.




More and more floated down to the floor, collecting in a messy pile.

He stopped for a moment, and examined how it looked.

It was incredibly significantly shorter.......and he liked it.

It actually did look really good, and Vox was super satisfied.

Vark nudged his face through the bathroom door, and looked up at Vox, his tail wagging.

"Hey Varky!" Vox looked down at the dog shark circling his legs.
Vark had his eyes locked in on Vox's head, examining it.

Vox chuckled, and looked in the mirror, running his hand through his hair.
"You know...even if I'm not who I'm supposed to be, I like who I am right now..." (TOH REFERENCE)
"I know Val says these...things...but you don't care who I am, eh?"
Vox looked down at Vark with a grin.

But his heart sank when he realized how pissed Valentino would be.
Valentino would probably come home and yell the second he saw, saying every swear word in Spanish that he could think of.
He won't let Vox near scissors ever again, huh...?

But Vox stood tall. He would hold his head high when Valentino got home, and proudly sport his new haircut.

EEEE I loved writing this sm I hope you guys liked it too!!
Words: 849

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