Photograph - 📺 + 📻 •angst•

396 12 18

-Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was out in a rural area without any connection to wifi. Vox and Al are platonic business partners and friends, it's 1962-

Alastor and Vox were at Alastor's home, Alastor had asked Vox to come over so that they could finish up some business matters. It was one of the more quieter days in Hell.

The two were both sitting on the couch.
They had finished up the business side of things a while ago.
Alastor was reading a book as Vox aimlessly shuffled through papers, wanting to sketch out a design for new tech models.

They didn't have much to say as of right now, they had already been chatting for hours and knew they would go on for hours more if they didn't stop themselves.

But Vox had one more thing to say. He had noticed a small random photograph sitting on the table, and it reminded him of something.
He turned to look at Alastor.

"Hey, Al...?"

Alastor looked from his book with a 'hmm?'

Vox inhaled, and sat up.
"So...I was wondering if we could take a photo together."

Alastor raised an eyebrow.
"You know I despise photographs being taken of me. My apologies, but I'm afraid no."

Vox clasped his hands together and leaned his side against the couch, slightly nervous.

"Well....I...I was hopin' I could see you..."

Alastor looked even more confused, and set his book down.

"I'm afraid I don't follow. I'm right in front of you, why are you hoping to see me?"

Vox's throat felt tight for no reason.
"So. I remember how you mentioned that you become distorted on media that was taken with a device from past your time?"

Alastor nodded, further confused.
"Yes, it's not something I can exactly control. Why?"

"Well, my head is a model thats past your time, this one is a newer design from the late you just appear all fuzzy and glitched."

Alastor's eyes slightly widened.
"So, you mean to say that you physically cannot see me...because of how distorted I appear?"

Vox nodded.
"Yeah... I've never been able to see you before, not clearly at least. I've seen parts, but in lower quality. But I was able to get my hands on one of those older cameras, one'a the ones from your time. Was hoping you'd appear in the photo with less glitch...and that way I could finally see what you fully look like."

Vox turned around and reached into a box sitting on the floor next to the couch, and pulled out an old camera he had brought along.

"See? Plenty old enough. We'd take two photos, and each keep one of them. No one else would see it. Is that okay....?" Vox asked, scared Alastor would just decline.

Alastor took a long look at the camera before he hesitantly nodded his head.
"Yes.......... I'll take a photo with you.".

Vox grinned and rocked back on forth on the couch a bit.
"Oh, thank you thank you! I'm excited to see what you really look like."

Vox pulled Alastor off the couch and brought him over to a blank wall.

"There. Just a blank background, don't want any weird random shapes and patterns. There's a ledge right here, I'll set the camera on it..." Vox muttered as he carefully placed the camera onto the ledge, making sure it didn't fall.

He started the countdown for it to take a photo, and got into place with Alastor.

The camera clicked, and flashed. One photo had been taken.
"There. That can be yours. Let's do one more so I can keep one as well."


"Haha! There!"

Vox ran over to grab the two photographs that had fallen out of the slot. Alastor hummed and walked over.

Vox anxiously shook the small photo, waiting for the outlines and colors to fade in and be visible.

He looked ecstatic as the images finally appeared.
He stared at the photograph, holding it close to his face.
He kept looking at it, as if he had to memorize it before it disintegrated.

"You seem happy." Alastor's voice broke the silence like a knife through butter, peering over Vox's shoulder.

Vox looked back at him, then back at the photo, then back at Alastor.

".............You're beautiful." Vox's voice was soft and quiet.

Alastor hmmed.
"So are you, for a television." He patted the top of Vox's monitor.
Vox smiled.

So that was that.

Vox wasn't even able to see Alastor, but he loved him anyways. (Platonically)
And Vox was one of the few colored things Alastor could see, which made him love him more; platonically. (Deer have dichromatic vision, they can only see blues and certain yellows, all else just appears black and white or very very muted. It's not canon that Alastor has dichromatic vision but it makes sense and I headcanon it)

Words: 823

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