Alastor's ears - 📺 x 📻 °fluff°

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Request by: Author_Misfit, soraxxloverluna, and ILOVEBENDYSOMUCH

Calm days are the best days.
It's quiet and chill, there's minimal amounts of fires and homicides in the area today.

Vox and Alastor both had the day off work. Some employees were working the TV station and the radio station didn't need anyone there, as Alastor had pre-recorded any announcements or important things for the day, so that he would be able to spend the day with Vox.

The light of the day started to fade, indicating that it would be nighttime soon and the pentagram would be in the sky not long after.

Vox was sitting at the dining room table, finishing up some paperwork, and Alastor was in the kitchen cooking.
It was well established that Alastor would cook and Vox would clean. Last time Vox tried to cook he burnt the fucking ceiling.

Alastor finished cooking, and brought out the bowls of jambalaya, setting a bowl in front of Vox, and a bowl in front of the seat next to him, sitting down.

Vox was still buried in paperwork and getting distracted by other things that he didn't even notice Alastor walk into the room.

Alastor smiled, sighed, and rested his hand on Vox's shoulder, patting it to get his attention.

Vox looked up with a big "Huh?"

"Dinner's ready, silly." Alastor said, running his hand down Vox's back and rubbing it gently. He pulled his hand away and started eating.

Vox pushed his paperwork aside and grabbed his bowl, taking a big whiff of it, inhaling it through his smell sensors.

"Hmm~ Smells delicious many times this week have we eaten jambalaya? How many times in a day do you eat this stuff?"

Alastor smirked. "How many times in a day do you not eat this~?"
He said, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

Vox grinned and huffed, eating more of the meal.

He hummed along to some radio playing off in the distance.
..It always seemed like there was a radio playing. Wherever they went. Like, all the time.

The two finished eating, and Vox grabbed their bowls, giving Alastor a kiss on the forehead as he went to go clean the dishes and kitchen.

While he did that, Alastor made his way into the living room, and plopped down onto the couch. Their old box TV sitting on a table against the wall caught his eye.

Hmm. They could watch a movie...and cuddle.

Alastor's ear immediately perked up and flicked slightly. He liked the idea. Not like there was much else to do now.

Vox poked his screen into the living room.

"Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you went."

Alastor glanced up at him, and was as straightforward as he could be.

"I want to watch a movie and we are going to cuddle."

Vox smirked and the confidence, and strutted over to Alastor.
At first, he started by slightly crawling between Alastor's legs, slowly pushing them down and moving them apart, but Alastor shut that down real quick.

"No sex. Cuddle." He stuck his hands between Vox's chest and armpits, similar to how you would pick up a cat, and pulled him closer.

Vox nodded his head and apologized, then snuggled against Alastor.

Vox snapped his fingers, turning the TV on, and asked Alastor what he wanted to watch.

"I don't care much for what we watch, so long as it's a musical."

Vox chuckled. "Musicals, eh? Hasn't your theatre kid ass seen practically everything musical in existence?"

Alastor smirked, elbowed Vox, and suggested something like Annie or Hamilton. They settled on Annie.

They cuddled together while watching it, but Alastor didn't last long. He was so tired that he fell asleep less than 15 minutes in.

Vox didn't notice Alastor had fallen asleep until a good ten or so minutes later. He just thought Alastor was really quiet and focused on the screen.

Then he heard a little noise, something that sounded like a combination of a small mammal sneezing and a sob.
It was quiet, but Vox identified it as one of Alastor's 'sleeping noises'.

He looked over Alastor's shoulder at him to check if he had been sleeping; he had been snuggling him from behind and couldn't see his face or tell that he was sleeping.

Vox's expression softened a bit, and he held Alastor closer, doing his best to keep the small buck warm.

But Vox's gaze drifted to Alastor's ears.
Alastor had said before that he trusted Vox enough to touch them if he ever wanted; just be reasonable. Don't reach over and start petting his ears in the middle of a meeting, or while he's making dinner.

But Vox never had at all before. Well, maybe once or twice when things got saucy, but he never had the opportunity to really savor it with eyes unclouded by lust and able to feel the softness while cherishing it.

Vox untangled his hand from being wrapped around Alastor's body, and brought it up to his head.

He slowly ran his claws down the fluff gently, then rubbing the tip back and forth between his fingers.

Vox gently ran his claws through the fluffiness, then rubbing the area where it connected to Alastor's head and the rest of his hair.

Vox pulled his other hand free, and began to massage Alastor's other ear.

'I honestly wanted to fucking nibble on the a nonsexual way of course! ....Hmmm~~ Though his ears are just so soft...'

This is basically what Vox thought over and over again on loop for a bit as he rubbed the crimson and black tipped tufts of fluff.

He thought he could hear....purring?? No, no...that's ridiculous.

But Alastor was in fact purring; whilst he was still asleep, he was still able to feel what was happening and his body enjoyed it of course, but he wasn't even aware of it.

Vox found this absolutely utterly adorable, and gave Alastor a few gentle kisses on the neck before he kept petting the ears.

It wasn't long before Alastor awoke, wondering why he felt so good and fuzzy.

He could immediately feel that his ears were being petted, and was about to go into a panic and hit whoever it was, but calmed down a lot when he remembered that it was just him and Vox.

He turned his head to look back at Vox, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"That feels really nice, babe..."

Words: 1,093

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