Fuckin' for the power - 📺 x 📻 ★smut★

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Smut!! Skip if you're underaged or uncomfortable! You have been given warnings.

Couple of things:
-I'm back! I will be frequently posting chapters again, but I will not be posting everyday! I will probably be posting every 3 or so days
-Wrote about 1.5k worth of words before the actual smut
-Also keep in mind this isn't dismissing Alastor's sexuality, this is just for fun, and he's power hungry. So yeah.
-Fic inspired by art I found on Pinterest, it's right above
And Dead Girl Walking Heathers fans assemble
-Not beta read screw if there's errors
-Bottom Vox


Vox was chilling on his bedroom couch.
Today was exhausting, everything had been absolute shit.

Vox was ready to just-


Vox could see black, sticky, goop materializing from the corner of the room.

Its- Oh, shit, was-

Yeah, Vox could clearly see the familiar figure forming. A figure he would not soon to forget.

He just stared, nervous, waiting. Waiting for Alastor to say something. To step forward, attack him if that was what he was here for.

But he didn't. He just stood there. And did nothing. Why, Vox asked himself.

"........What do you want, why are you here," Vox finally said. "I know your not here just to laugh at me, you want something."

Alastor stepped forward, out of the shadows, and into the light of the deep night projecting onto him.

"Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The night is young, loosen up Voxxy!"

Vox narrowed his eyes at the response, suspicious of the sudden use of that particular nickname.

Alastor slowly advanced to stand at the other end of Vox's couch.
Vox scooted down, away from Alastor.

"Now, there's nothing to fear~ Relax, I am not here with intent to hurt you. You have my word."

Vox knew Alastor didn't promise something then double back on it, but he still had his doubts.

"No, I'm here because I need a favor from you." Alastor said, tracing his fingers on the arm of the couch.

"....What kind of favor." Vox muttered out, trying his best to scoot further away, but being stopped by the other arm of the couch.

"Oh, just a simple exchange... You help me with something I need, and I'll give in to something I know you hope for."
Alastor grinned, looking up to make eye contact with Vox.

"Like what. Be specific, stop with all this 'mysterious man' shit."

Alastor let out one of his iconic hmmms, and climbed over the arm of the couch to sit on it as he talked to Vox.

"Simple. You have lots of power and allies; assets. Lend me some, help out my hotel and me, and I'll... Offer you certain... Services. Those of a sexual nature........ And just this once. Just tonight, and tonight only." Alastor had to refrain from cringing at his own words, wanting to sound professional and in control right now.

Alastor seemed to look elsewhere as he said this, seeming as if he didn't want to make eye contact with Vox as he stated this.

Vox's eyes widened, not believing what he was hearing. Yes, he knew what Alastor meant. And he knew the fucker wouldn't back down from a promise or a challenge.

Vox didn't seem to even bother to think this through, he was sold. His brain as of the moment was hotwired by fantasies pent up from years, Vox's brain was having a hard time trying to find much common sense.

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