Wedding Aftermath - 📺 x 📻 ★smut★

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(Smut. It's not light. I don't want any kids reading this. I have given you plenty of warnings, it's your fault from here.)


Everyone stood up out of their seat, cheering and clapping as Vox and Alastor pulled into a deep kiss.

They broke out of the kiss for air, Vox gently caressing his fianc- no, husband's face.

"I can't believe this finally happened..." Vox said, and Alastor yanked him down into another kiss.

Charlie smiled warmly, having been overjoyed that Alastor had asked her to officially wed the two.
She looked at the newlyweds, so happy for them.

"So, how do you guys feel right now?" Charlie asked, squealing at how cute the two were together.

"...Incredible. I...I can't wait till the after party later...oh God we're going to get so drunk, aren't we?" Vox said, grinning down at Alastor.

Alastor chuckled as he shook his head.
He informed Charlie that they would be up in their room until the reception.

He pulled his husband out into the crowd.

There were dozens people crowding around them, and even though they hadn't invited many people for sake of privacy and keeping chaos at bay, it was quite overwhelming.

Everyone was congratulating the newlyweds and asking them questions, all sorts of things as Vox and Alastor walked back down the isle from where they came earlier.

They finally broke free from the noisy crowd, and ducked out of the hotel lobby.

They just stared at each other in silence, then broke into chatter themselves and frequent kissing. Euphoria was overtaking their senses, and laughter.

They took the elevator back up to their room, but as soon as they stepped out into the hallway, Alastor tucked his arms all the way around Vox's body and lifting him up, carrying him bridal style as he should.

Alastor kicked open the door to their room, and laid Vox down on their bed. He went and closed the door, and turned the lock.

Vox cocked his head to the side.

"Why'd you lock it? No one's gonna break in or anythin-"
He was caught off guard when Alastor pushed him roughly onto the bed, Vox falling back with a thud.
Alastor climbed on top of him almost immediately, straddled his waist tight to the bed.
He began rolling his hips and grinding their crotches together.

Vox's screen flashed bright red.
"Oh, w-"
He was shut up when Alastor placed a huge, sloppy kiss over Vox's digital mouth.

Their tongues fought each other, Vox bobbing his head up and biting Alastor's lip, lapping his tongue at the small prick of blood that dripped out.

Alastor pulled back and looked down at Vox, his smile genuine and sweet.

" don't want to interpret this the wrong way, just- ...uh. You-"

Alastor let out a dramatic sigh, his head falling back and his arms flopping to his sides.

"Oh my god Vox, stop stammering and just fuck me already!"

That was enough to get Vox's cock to twitch and his screen to have multiple errors pop up, what with the way Alastor said it so nonchalantly.

"P- Ally, I-I...what!? You........fuck you?!? Babe, are you sure you're not drunk or high right now or something!?"

"Yes, I am quite sure. I want you to fuck me, I want to celebrate our marriage with something intimate. Adds to the bond, you know?" Alastor bounced a bit, trying to get Vox more hard.

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