Lulu Land - 📺 + Vel °fluff°

426 9 60

Request by soraxxloverluna


An annoyingly familiar voice rings through the air.

Velvette groggily opens her eyes and smacks her beside table a few times, trying to locate her phone.

She grabs it and pulls it close to her face, staring at it with eyes still partially asleep.

It was Vox.

"Tu fuhcks dju yju wan?" (The fuck do you want?) She slurs out. Velvette despised being woken up before she was ready, she needed her beauty sleep!

She sat up with a huge yawn, staring angrily at the TV face that decided to invade her phone.

"Oh. Were you sleeping?" Phone Vox asks.

"No shit, Einstein! What are you doing in my phone anyways!? I thought I set up enough firewalls to keep your bitch ass away."

Velvette stretched, standing up out of her bed.

"I didn't want to physically teleport. And displaying my face on your phone is much better, anyways."

"Lazy ass... What do you want, anyways? Or did you do this just to annoy me?" Velvette said with a glare as she rummaged through her closet for something more fashionable to wear.

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go to Lulu Land. It's nice out today, they're open, for once, and we both don't have anything to do today."

Velvette stared at him for a moment, then set her phone down on a table nearby while she got dressed.

"That sounds like fun. But I have to make more production of the Love Potions. And I dunno where Val is, and I need his help.

"He's all the way across town, probably harassing his whores or something. We probably won't be seeing him today."

Velvette groaned, and pulled on a jacket.

"Fine. So, we're going to Lulu Land? Because your bored?"

"Yes. I don't have anything else to do. And you're coming with."

Velvette shrugged as she started applying her very dramatic eyeliner.

"Alright. Pick me up in five."

Vox grinned, and clicked off the screen.

Velvette snapped a quick photo of herself, posted it on Sinstagram, and left to go find wherever the fuck Vox was.

Vox was waiting outside the Vee's tower, standing in front of their limo.

He held his arms out for a hug when he saw Velvette, which she begrudgingly accepted.

They got into the car, which took them for a half-hour drive to Lulu Land.

It was a game of theirs to stay absolutely silent and just stare at each other, and whoever laughed first lost the game.
Velvette always lost.

They arrived shortly later outside the gates of Lulu Land, with Velvette swatting Vox off after he mockingly offered to push her around in a stroller.

Now, this pair was especially prone to constantly swaying back and forth from being absolute bitches to each other, to being the tightest bonded besties ever. Confused a lot of people.

They didn't to an hour without having an argument.
Their first argument of the day was over whether or not Vox should get face paint.

"It'll just drip off your face!" Velvette said, rolling here eyes.

"But I want to look like a shark."

"You can look much more like a shark if you simply display a shark on your screen." Velvette pointed out.

Vox didn't say anything else about that.

Their first bestie moment for the day was getting pizza together and having to hold back from throwing it at the wall, because that was apparently something Velvette found funny at the moment...?

"Hey Vel, I dare you to go up to that person and ask them if they got their baby from a rundown Walmart." Vox said, the pizza disappearing into his pocket dimension of a mouth.

"That's not even funny, Vox. 'Sides, I don't want to move right now." Velvette said, scrolling through social media, stalking Valentino.

"I know it's mean, that's the point. And you're already standing."

They had a fun trip on one of the rollercoasters, until Velvette got motion sickness and Vox had to hold her hair back as she coughed up the pizza from earlier into a nearby trashcan.

She wanted to leave after that.
"Leave? But we've only been here like two hours!" Vox whined.

"But I'm tired and it hot! This place blows anyways."

Vox quite literally made a =[ face, and picked Velvette up like a cat so they were at eye level. He always had to bend over to talk to her, being the one who was multiple feet taller.

"Can we just go home, Vox? I can call Val off work and the three of us can just dog pile and watch that shark cartoon show you like."

Vox looked happier, and nodded. He was getting bored of the place too. He liked shark cartoons better, anyways.

He carried Velvette back to the limo, drove home, and spent the rest on the day laying on top of Valentino while watching cartoon sharks boxing.

Words: 828

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