When a loser falls for a lover - 📺 x 🦋 °fluff/angst•

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This has sat in my completed drafts since May 11th...
Vox found himself falling head over heels for the new intern, Valentino.

He had been silently watching the man for about a week, since Valentino had started working here.

Val had been hired as the new director for the news channel, after the previous one got offed in the most recent Extermination.

He was quite good at his job, and he had never even been professionally trained.
Sometimes self-taught people turn out even more successful than anyone thought them to be. That's how Vox came to be the famous technology overlord.

Vox had to admit that Valentino was very professional.
But also very handsome.
He found himself to be quiet attracted to the man, despite not wanting to be.

Vox swore he would never fall in love, never again. Not after his wife had died.
But, here he was, swooning over a man he had had a grand total of three conversations with.

And he wanted to have more. He wanted to be able to talk to him, and not get nervous anytime he approached him to talk about work related things.

But time passed. Sure, Vox had a few more conversations with Valentino, but he wanted to be able to talk to him on normal terms.

Val had been working at Voxtek for nearly just over a month.
He was curious as to why the boss kept calling him into his office to talk to him. It usually wasn't anything, something about the week's plan, something that went wrong, ect. Stuff that could be handled by floor supervisors.
But he was nervous about why it kept happening. And why he kept watching him. Valentino would be in the middle of directing, and find Vox gazing at him.

Vox had found that the easiest and most non-awkward way to talk to Val was to call him into his office, discuss work things, and 'accidentally' steer the conversation somewhere else. (Sometimes it wasn't always on purpose, if getting distracted was job, Vox would be richer than he was now.)

Vox planned on taking Valentino out on a date, to take him to some restaurant.
So he just had to find out where he liked to eat. But he didn't want to be weird about it.
Eavesdropping on a random conversation of Valentino and another employee chatting about their favorite foods wasn't weird, was it...?

Of course Vox knew this was stalker behavior, he wasn't trying to and he didn't want to be, he gave Valentino any and all privacy that was normal.
Eavesdropping on one conversation and glancing at him every now and then, and wanting to become closer to Val wasn't that bad. It could be worse.

After another week, Vox finally mustered up about courage to go up to Valentino and ask him out on a date.

It took Valentino a good minute to realize what he was asking.

"You... Want to take me out to a restaurant... Like on a date...?"
Vox nodded, trying to stand still and not start fidgeting, stimming, and denying everything.

Valentino didn't like Vox like that. Not at all.
But he didn't want to get fired if he told Vox no and he got upset. Or if he started falling for the man too. He was too scared of that happening.

But, in the end he said yes. This could open more opportunities for him, he could be the boss's favorite, he could add on to his own power bar.

"So... Uh, I'll stop by your place at seven tomorrow?" Vox asked, scared Valentino would back out of saying yes.

Valentino gave a soft smile, and nodded.

So, seven o'clock in the afternoon.
Vox swung by right on schedule, picking Valentino up in a fancy car, wearing the only suit he liked that also looked decent. He hated the texture of every single other suit he owned.

Valentino had to admit he was excited.
He hasn't been on a date in years, and Vox was just too sweet.
And at his favorite restaurant, too!

They arrived, and entered the restaurant.
It was a medium sized Mexican restaurant, run by a dozen girls and women.

Valentino had ended up coming here so often that the women recognized him immediately and started chatting with him in Spanish as soon as he came up to the counter.
Vox had to admit he found it amusing and sweet.

Vox couldn't understand what they were saying, but one of the women asked a question that got Valentino sweating and shaking his head quite quickly, his laugh slightly nervous.

Vox tapped Valentino's arm, looking up at him with confusion.
"What'd they say?"

"...They asked me if you were my boyfriend." Valentino answered, the ladies still giggling and pestering him.

Vox looked down at the floor, screen pink. Valentino chuckled.

They eventually got around to ordering their food, and it was ready in no time.

It tasted amazing, Vox couldn't believe he had never tried any of these dishes before. He already really liked this place. And it was empty, which was calming to him. But certainly not quiet. He liked that, to an extent.

Valentino had to admit the date was nice. He enjoyed the conversations he and Vox had, chatting about everything from future fashion, to if frogs were better than snakes, to which was the best way to die. Questionable and peculiar talks. He liked those. They both did.

The food was amazing. Val always loved coming here. It was even more fun with someone else.

And Vox was like a lovesick puppy. He just looked so cute and happy. Valentino had never seen a side of his boss that was like this. He didn't want that to go away. But he didn't want to have to keep this up.

Sure, he loved the date. But he didn't like Vox back, not like that.
It made Valentino wince at the idea of breaking his heart.
He'd miss this side of Vox.

But it would be easier and better to cut the tie here rather than later down the road when Vox grew even more attached.
Or if Val grew attached.

He didn't want to fall in love, not after the last bitch had left him heartbroken and with nothing.

So he'd let him down slowly. In anyway he could, Val would distance himself, make excuses not to go on dates if Vox asked him again, anything.

Vox set his fork down, looking at Valentino. His smile dropped for a second.
"Hey, Valentino. You okay? You look a little down... You just spaced out in the middle of a sentence. Need water or something? I can to find you whatever you need." Vox smiled weakly.

Valentino snapped out of it, and looked back up at him.

He smiled and nodded, "I'm fine, just zoned out," And kept talking about what they were discussing before.

He would hate breaking Vox's heart.

Wrote this in just under an hour
Personally one of my favorites
Don't date your boss
Words: 1,300

Wait wait!! I was thinking over something from episode two!!

So, do you guys remember that scene where Valentino is being extremely pissed off because Angel moved?
Vox asks what's wrong with Angel, "Did Angel quit?"

Vox of all people should be well aware of how deals work. He's an overlord, he knows Angel is in a contract with Valentino, and
he knows Angel can't just quit or back out of his deal.

So why would he ask that if he knows it isn't possible?

I feel like Vox most definitely has read over Angel's contract at some point, and found loopholes in it!!

Vox could potentially know loopholes that could save Angel from his contract!!!!

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